letter 1.0

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My love,
                  you are talented, you are so very talented. What you've accomplished at your age alone is something many of us can't. You are an inspiration to hundreds and are loved by thousands. NEVER think otherwise.

I can understand that you want to do better, you want to meet the expectations set up for you. But don't get discouraged when you don't meet them sometimes. It's alright. Everything is alright. All you have to do is work hard. But don't overwork yourselves thinking you're not good enough and have no talent. That will not help you grow. So think positively! Look around yourself for once and see all the things you have achieved! That's no easy feat, is it? So how could it be that you're still in the "same spot"?

You're always reminding us to feel good about ourselves. In the same way, we want you to feel good about yourself, too.I do not want you to never think that you are not good enough. It makes me sad when you're insecure. Don't be like that. Be proud of yourself, hun! Love yourself!

My lovely boy, Park Jimin, I love you to the moon and back. Take care of yourself.


So my bub was feeling a bit insecure about himself recently, as you can see in the media. Honestly, it makes me really sad that he doesn't realize his potentials and talents. I hope he begins to feel better soon.

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