63 ~ House Tour

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When you get home, you're sweaty and dirty, and your clothes are covered in grass stains and mud. With little success in you figuring out how to use Magic, Undyne decided that maybe the best way to stimulate it was through physical exercise.

Needless to say, you're very tired. Not unhappy about that, but very tired.

So you go and take a shower, put on pajamas, and flop into bed. You even manage to fall asleep, despite Flowey yelling at you.

When you wake up the next morning, you're stiff and sore all over. But it's not like the pain from the Magic buildup. It's a good soreness, the kind of soreness that says I worked hard.

Nonetheless, you tell Undyne you're a little too sore for more training today. Instead, you decide to visit Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster at their house. And, calling ahead of time, you get permission to spend the night there.

When you get there, you're a little early, and no one is at the door to greet you. You know the family would welcome you anyway, though, and go inside. You find that the atmosphere of the house is a bizarre mix of the three skeletons' personalities. It looks like Papyrus has done his best to keep the place clean, but there are still a number of socks scattered about the room. You see one with a long chain of sticky notes on one, and you go to inspect. It goes something like this.








"you told me not to bring it back to my room."


"Sans. Listen to your brother."



"well dad just told me to listen to you! i can hear you just fine."


"Sorry, Papyrus. Can't argue with that."


You laugh as you finish reading, and continue inspecting the living room.

The far wall has a desk pushed against it, presumably Gaster's, and the wall itself is covered in tacked up drawings and sketches and blueprints and notes, all written in a language you don't understand. Hands, maybe? That, or Gaster's handwriting is just so horrible that you can't read it. On Gaster's desk is a mess of odds and ends and dirty dishes, as well as an Annoying Dog, napping under a plate with some half-eaten spaghetti on it. It looks like maybe Papyrus tried to neaten things up, but Gaster's desk resisted the attempts. Gaster's black lab coat is draped over the back of the desk chair.

In the middle of the room is a couch that looks strangely like the green one the brothers had in their old house. Maybe they rescued it? Regardless, it's facing what looks like a large flatscreen tv against one wall, except the screen of the tv is missing, and there are wires and such hanging out of the box. Your best guess is that Gaster's decided to modify the tv.

Still searching for the family, you head into the kitchen. This room is clearly Papyrus's domain: it's clean and spotless, everything neatly in it's place. Still, no one is there. So you head back into the living room, and up the stairs.

The stairs lead into a hallway with a multitude of doors. Three of these doors lead to each of the skeleton family members' rooms. The one at the end of the hall leads into the lab, as that was kinda the purpose of rebuilding the lab. And the rest are guest rooms- again, Papyrus always wants to be prepared for any hosting situation.

Merely out of curiosity, you poke your head into each room. Sans' and Papyrus's rooms are each nearly exact replicas of their old rooms. And Gaster's room is an extraordinary combination of childish wonder and adult professionalism. The ceiling has been painted in an awing mural of the night sky, not black but blues and purples and slight brushes of lavender speckled with dots of white and gold creating galaxies spanning the space over your head. Meanwhile, the furniture in Gaster's room is simplistic, all basic wooden, nothing fancy. A more or less made bed sits in the corner, sided by a nightstand with a clock on it. A dresser contains some sloppily folded clothes. And a set of shelves against one wall contain a curious assortment of books and nicknacks, the likes of which you've never seen.

You decide it's probably best to not mess with anything in Gaster's room, and instead continue to search for the family.

The next place you check is the backyard, in which is a flourishing garden. Gaster has quite the green thumb, apparently, and grows much of the produce Papyrus uses in his recipes. But they're not there.

Finally, you head to the basement.

The skeleton family's basement is the best basement you've ever been in, you decide. It's just got that friendly, cozy atmosphere, not to mention a pool table, a pingpong table, another large tv with two different gaming consoles hooked up, a couch and pair of armchairs by a fireplace, a mini kitchen that's usually stocked with a variety of snacks and multitude of hotdogs, and, finally, finally, your friends.

Gaster and Papyrus are at the pingpong table, going all-out against each other, while Sans is slumped in one of the armchairs, keeping score. You're a little surprised to see that Sans, much like Gaster not wearing his lab coat (and it's kinda weird to see him without it, just wearing a sweater and cargo pants), is not wearing his blue jacket over his teeshirt.

When you come in, Papyrus and Gaster's game stops as they both turn to look at you.

"Frisk!" Papyrus strides over and scoops you up in a hug. "You're early! All the better, as that means more time for us to hang out together!"

You just laugh and hug Papyrus back.

Not much later, after greetings have been made all around, the four of you are already engaged in a round of two-on-two pingpong (you and Gaster versus the brothers) and you can tell it's going to be a good night.



I swear, the creative side of my brain has been in a coma or something this past week. I haven't been able to write or draw anything. Hopefully, though, that's over with.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and votes are my Favorite Things, and every notification I get makes my day!

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