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"Saw you walk inside a bar
He said something to make you laugh"


        It's past six in the evening when Zayn makes the walk to the bar. The day before when he'd gotten to Louis' after seeing Liam, all he wanted to do was complain, but he'd kept his mouth shut and watched movies. If Louis had noticed a change in his mood, his friend hadn't said anything.

        Louis had helped get Zayn in a small studio apartment not far from the bar. Zayn thought about asking Niall if he could work there since his job at a bookstore not too far away, his shift was only until four and he needed something else to do besides sketch and paint until he passed out from either exhaustion or probably dehydration.

        Zayn shoves his hands into his jacket pockets as he approaches the bar. His friend, Niall, manages it, the Irishman practically owned it since the owner had Niall handle nearly everything. 

        The bar is, normally, where he would go when he needed to talk. Louis was there frequently if he wasn't at work, normally chatting with Niall. Zayn wondered if Louis would just get a job there though he supposes Louis wouldn't want to work with his brother.

        Louis' brother, Mason, worked there as the head bartender. Louis had gotten his brother the job a while ago when Mason had moved back after spending quite some time in New York.

        The bar is in sight and Zayn freezes in place. Liam, Harry, and Noah were walking into the bar. Zayn can't take his gaze off them as he feels like he's frozen to the ground. Zayn always forgets they frequented the bar as well. Zayn watches as Harry whispers something to Liam making the brunette laugh.

"I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours,
Yeah, you look happier, you do"

        Their smiles were big and happy, it made Zayn sick and angry. Even if he knew Liam was happy, happier than he'd seen in a long time. He couldn't help the ugly and angry feeling of jealousy.

        Zayn scoffs, shaking his head, "Get over yourself," He mutters to himself. He could wallow in his unending self-serving sadness later. 

        Zayn waits for them to enter before he starts walking again and once he's at the door, Zayn lets out a breath before walking in and sealing whatever fate had in store for him.


Honestly, Zouis will always be my brotp. 


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