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"Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too"


        The next day, Zayn is sitting around at Louis' apartment even though the eccentric brunette wasn't. Sometimes Zayn would rather be alone and at Louis's place then alone and at his own apartment.

        Zayn closes his eyes and his mind drifts to the conversation he had with Noah yesterday. He hadn't told Louis or Mason about his theory about Liam. They'd say he was crazy or something close to that.

        Louis and Mason had told him before he would be happier after getting over Liam.

        Zayn doesn't think that's true.

        Zayn's phone rings, he startles before reaching over, 'The big brother', flashes on the screen and Zayn still laughs at what he'd put Mason as a contact.

      "Hey, Mason," Zayn chirps, leaning at against the couch.

        "Zee, holy shit, Noah wants to get back together," Mason breaths.

        Zayn sits up, adjusting the phone, "Okay, Mason, slow down, explain," He says, he didn't expect Noah to want to get back together so fast.

        "I don't know, we were just talking about past memories and he just said it," Mason says and Zayn can practically feel his friend's anxiety through the phone.

        "What did you say back?" Zayn asks, hoping Mason didn't piss Noah off.

        "Nothing, Noah's phone rang and he said he had to go and we would talk later," Mason says and Zayn nods, feeling a little relieved at that.

        "Well, nothing is set yet, he said you guys would talk later so stick to that, it's probably a little early to just jump into things, but it's your choice, Mason," Zayn says, hoping he's at least helping a little.

        Zayn hears Mason take a breath, "Yeah, yeah, you're right, thanks zee," He says.

        Zayn chuckles, "You're welcome, Mason," He says, saying bye when Mason does and hangs up.

       He wonders if it'll work out between the two.

"And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you"

        Zayn glares at his tv, he was in another one of those moods. When he wondered if he'd tried harder to keep Liam. To save their relationship.

        He huffs and continues scrolling through the photos on his phone and him and Liam. He still hadn't brought himself to delete them. He honestly was sure if he would be able to.

        If I get into another relationship, maybe then. Zayn thinks to himself. Though he isn't sure, but he wants to make certain that he knows he'd probably be happy if he got into a relationship with someone he really got to know, but something tells him that he'd probably still be happier with Liam.


Zayn's emotions give me whiplash...
honestly, there aren't many more chapters left...


Happier ¬ ziam fanficWhere stories live. Discover now