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"Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody needs you like I do"


        Zayn rolls his eyes, probably for the 10th time in less than five minutes. He's been watching Mason and Louis bitch at each other for near 20 minutes. After keeping it a secret for quite a while, Mason has finally told Louis that he and Noah are back together.

        To say Louis think Mason is a complete idiot is an understatement.

        Zayn jumps when Mason slams his hand against the kitchen counter and Louis's jaw clenches, "Listen, Louis, you are not my father, I will do what I please if you can't accept that I am getting back together with Noah then that is your problem." Mason snaps and whirls around.

       Zayn silently watches as Mason leaves, slamming the front door behind him so hard, it seems to shake the house.

        Once he's gone, Louis's scoffs, shaking his head, "Can you believe him," Louis says, looking at Zayn.

        Zayn can't say much as he already knew so he shrugs.

       Louis's eyes narrow on him, "Are you serious," He questions and Zayn just stares at him, waiting for his friend to catch on. It doesn't take long.

        Louis splutters and points at him before glaring at him like he just murdered a puppy, "Really? You're the one who told Mason to get back together with that asshole!?" Louis practically shrieks.

        Zayn scoffs, "Oh, come on, Lou, I might not like him, but Noah isn't that bad." He says.

        Louis only huffs, crossing his arms and pouting like a toddler.

        Zayn narrows his eyes, "Lou, I love you, but stop being dramatic," He says.

        Then Louis get's really dramatic, he whines loudly and flops onto the couch and stares at Zayn with wide eyes; while still pouting like a toddler and Zayn just laughs at him.

        After that, it's silent for a while, "So, are you really over him?" Louis asks.

        Zayn licks his lip, taking a breath, "I think? I mean, I'm not as angry or upset as I was, I don't know, Lou," Zayn replies, honestly, he think's he's getting there.

        Louis's phone rings and he whines loudly, pulling himself up and answers. He mutters a few things before hanging up and looking at him, "Niall wants me to come in, he wants help on some event he's planning at the bar." He says.

       Zayn chuckles, "Have fun," He coos and Louis flips him off making Zayn laugh louder.

       Louis shakes his head, a small smile on his face as he stands, "Are you gonna stay here?" He asks as he slips on his shoes.

        Zayn nods, "Yeah, when you get back, we can watch movies and eat popcorn," He says and Louis nods his head furiously.

        Then Louis is off and Zayn turns the tv on, watching whatever is on.

        It's only about 10 minutes before someone knocks on the door.

       Zayn frowns, Mason and Louis both had keys so it wasn't them. He get's up and pulls the door open.

        Who he sees, isn't who he expects.

        "L-Liam?" Zayn questions, the younger male looking just as surprised to see him.

       "H-Hi, Zayn," Liam says, looking at him with wide eyes, "Mason said Noah was here and he was on his way back," He says, though his eyes still portray confusion.

        Zayn bites his lip, shaking his head, "Of course, it was those two," He mutters, knowing Noah and Mason must have set them up, it does seem like something those bastards would do.

        "I think Mason got Niall on this, he just called Louis, saying he needs his help on some event they're planning,"Zayn says and Liam gapes at him like he doesn't know what to say.

        "You might as well, come in," Zayn says, "I'm sure those two will be back sooner or later,"

       For a moment Liam looks like he'll argue before he nods and slips in, Zayn makes sure to keep his distance. This would be hard for him.

        "How have you been?" Liam asks, sitting on the couch as Zayn sits with him, but with probably enough distance between them to sit a large dog.

       "Good," Zayn replies, though feeling like that was a bit harsh.

        Liam nods, eyes brightening at that, "That's good," He says and Zayn feels like he believes it.

        Do you miss me like I miss you? Zayn wants to ask, but he pushes it away. It's not the time for that; not here and not now.

        It's mostly awkward silence, Zayn isn't sure what to say and Liam seems the same way. Thankfully, soon enough, Noah and Mason barge in, both looking at them with wide eyes.

        "Oh, Li, I didn't know you'd be here" Noah says innocently.

        Liam scoffs, "Yeah, right," he says and the two have the decency to look embarrassed.

        Zayn bites his lip, watching in amusement. It was nice having Liam around. After Liam broke up with him, he felt lost. He was odd to know how much he had depended on Liam.

        Maybe it was good we broke up. Zayn thinks as he watches Liam and Noah bicker.

        Liam and Noah soon move to leave and Mason mutters something about going to the kitchen and hurries off, leaving the three.

        "Bye, Zayn," Noah chirps and is off before he can even respond.

        Zayn licks his lips, "Bye, Li," He says as Liam is at the door.

        The younger male stops and turns, a faint smile on his lips, "Bye, Zee," He says and he's gone. Zayn can't help, but smile as he shuts the door; Liam hadn't called him that nickname in a while.

        A thought came to him.

        Maybe Liam and I can be friends.


This chapter was quite a bit longer, but I like it.


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