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"Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're moving on with someone new"


        Zayn groans, rolling his shoulders as he slams the door shut to his apartment. He'd finished a shift at the bookstore, he got to deal with books that were written in, loud children when a bus pulled and his boss lecturing him when he snapped at said children.

        It wasn't his fault the brats wouldn't stop shrieking like they were being murdered.

       Zayn stops, taking in a breath as he looks around the apartment. It was a fairly open when you enter. The kitchen and little dining room area were to the right and on the left was the living room. Behind the living room was a bathroom and to the left of the living room, there were some steps that lead to his bed or bedroom, the room being separated by a wood partition.

      He trudges his way to the couch and slumps down onto it, pressing his fingers t his temples in an attempt to rid him of the headache he, unfortunately, got from the bookstore. He leans back into the couch and leans back, taking a few breaths.

        In. Out. In. Out.

         The breathing works for a while before the shrill shrieking of his phone breaks his concentration. Letting out a groan, he reaches for his phone where he'd dropped it on the coffee table.

        "Yes?" Zayn questions, not bothering to look at the caller ID.


        The male startles, sitting up, "Noah? What is it?" He asks, he wasn't expecting a call from his ex's best friend.

        "Uh, yeah, hey Zayn, I was wondering if you knew where Mason was, he's not answering his phone?" Noah asks and Zayn feels a smirk appear on his face.

        "So Mason did talk to you after work?" Zayn asks, thinking about his advice to the older male just a few days ago.

        Noah sounds confused for a few moments, "Yeah, how did you-" He cuts himself off though.

        "So you were the one to give Mason the push," Noah says, sounded like he just found out what the secret to being perfect was.

        Zayn chuckles, "You may not be my favorite person, but Mason cares about you and even though you are a paranoid son of a bitch, you still care for Mason,"

        "Well, well, look at you, figuring everything out," Noah says dryly and Zayn snickers.

       "Hey Noah, hurry up! We're about to leave, " Zayn bites his lip when he hears Liam's voice in the background, faint, but there.

        "How's Li?" Zayn asks after Noah says something to Liam and he hears Noah hum.

        "Fine, I suppose," He replies and the answer makes Zayn frown. Just Fine?

        "Zayn? You still there," Noah's voice jolts Zayn from his thoughts.

        He shakes his head, "Uh, Yeah" He asks and he wonders if he images hearing Noah laugh softly.

        "Mason?" Noah question.

        "Well, Mason's probably at Lou's and if you can't get ahold of him, his phone's probably dead," Zayn says quickly, already wanting this conversation to be over.

        Noah hums, "Thanks," He says and mutters a bye before hanging up.

        Zayn stares at his phone for a moment before throwing it on the couch next to him. He may be overthinking this, but Noah saying Liam was just fine. Normally he'd over exaggerate how great Liam was doing.

        Maybe Liam and Harry aren't doing as great. Zayn wonders and can't help the feeling of satisfaction from it. Zayn had told himself that he wouldn't take it personally that Liam had moved on, that he'd move on, but this has Zayn thinking differently.


Is Zayn overthinking things?


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