Let's Play A Game Of Tag

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Oh my gosh why did both snyderthespider & dyintogetaway tag me?!

Ugh I hate talking about myself.

But oh well, I'll do it anyway.

~ You can't tag the same person who tagged you
~ You can't refuse
~ You have one week to do this
~ You have to post this as a chapter, NOT as a comment or on yours or on someone else's wall
~ You have to list 13 things about yourself
~ You have to have a creative title
~ You have to take 13 people
~ Don't change the rules

1. I'm the second oldest of 7 kids. Believe me, everyone we tell is shocked. And no I have never had my own room.

2. My favorite food is pizza and gumbo.

3. I've loved musicals my whole life. My love of Broadway and Theater started last year when a guy friend of mine was lip syncing to Guns and Ships at a camp. So, Hamilton started my love of Broadway.

4. One year ago exactly, I was in Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day. We were there for two weeks. I also visited Auschwitz.
Worst. Place. Ever.
It emotionally scarred me. I can't see, hear, or read anything about it anymore without crying and having an anxiety attack.

5. I'm a Cradle Catholic. Please don't judge me for my faith. A lot of people have done that and so I don't really tell people that.

6. I am 1/4 Hispanic, but I DO NOT look it. I love my heritage so much.

7. I want to try out for my local theater, but I'm scared I won't get a role.

8. I've been homeschooled all my life. My cousins go to public school and my friends go to private school. I love being homeschooled!

9. My favorite movie is The Princess Bride. Anytime someone says they don't like it I stop, look them dead in the eye, and say "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die."

10. My real name is Julia. I just go by Rose on here because it's my middle name.

11. I live in Louisiana. And I can tell you, WE AREN'T ALL LIKE SWAMP PEOPLE AND DUCK DYNASTY! Though I do enjoy eating crawfish, boudin (boo-deh), cracklins, fried fish, shrimp, crabs, and fried alligator.

12. My Myers Briggs Personality Type is E/ISFJ. I'm both Extraverted and Introverted. I saw this MBPT chart for Musicals and mine was Newsies. Needless to say I screamed since Newsies is my favorite musical.

13. My best friend is my cousin. She's literally my twin. We are identical. We talk the same, we act the same, we quote the same thing at the same time (it gets freaky).

Okay, so here's the people I tag:

I honestly don't care if you do it or not. But I'm done so bye!

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