6. say that to the son of a cop

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skylar went home that night to an empty house

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skylar went home that night to an empty house. her mother was at work, caleb was hanging out with his friend mason, and payton was with liam.

skylar walked up to her room and closed the door. once she did, she dropped to her knees and started to cry while pulling at her hair.

"damn it, damn it, damn it!" she shouted as she hit her hands on the floor.

skylar never wanted anyone to get hurt. especially not because of her. she couldn't believe she let this happen. she only thought that, maybe if she hadn't made him trip he wouldn't be dead. maybe she could've found a way to escape and she could've gotten theo to fight him off.

but of course, it happened. of course she made him trip, of course she held the drill the wrong way making it kill him as soon as he fell on top of it. it hit him directly in the heart. she couldn't get the image out of her head.

skylar wasn't sure if she was able to live with what she did. if her mom ever found out, would she take her side? if scott found out he'd hate her. if stiles found out he couldn't trust her anymore. if lydia found out she wouldn't talk to her. if kira found out she'd be afraid of her. if malia found out she'd be disappointed. if payton and caleb found out they wouldn't look at her the same.


scott, skylar and stiles were in the library looking at a map.

"we're back to telluric currents." stiles said.

"if the dread doctors didn't like coming into eichen house because of them, maybe we can use them to protect hayden." scott said.

"well, besides eichen, where's the strongest convergence?" skylar asked.

"we're standing on it." scott said pointing at the school on the map.

"you want to hide her in the high school? for how long?" stiles asked.

"if we have to, all night. we have to convince hayden not to say anything to her sister yet. she's working a double tonight, she thinks hayden's having a sleepover with payton." scott explained.

"but it's just a school though. you know, it's not exactly a fortress." stiles said.

"payton and lydia have an idea for that. payton is going to put a protection spell on hayden or any of us if she has to." skylar explained.

"and lydia is working on something with parrish. remember how valack quoted tesla?" scott asked.

"frequency and vibration." stiles said.

"she thinks he wasn't saying that just to sound smart. she thinks maybe it was a clue." scott explained.

"to do what?" stiles asked.

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