8. break the glass

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"tell me where you are, skylar

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"tell me where you are, skylar. tell me what you see." valack said.

"the bridge." skylar replied.

"keep moving. describe what you find. tell me what he did. stay focused skylar." valack said wiping the blood falling from the hole in her head.

"what did you do to me?" skylar asked.

"i've amplified your abilities. something that might just save the lives of your friends. now focus on the bridge... on theo. why did he let his sister die?" valack asked.

"i don't know." skylar replied.

"you don't see it yet. search for it, skylar. keep looking." valack said.

skylar imagined herself at the bridge the night that theos sister died.

"why did he let her die? what did he want?" valack asked.

theos sister grabbed skylars arm and she let out a scream. when skylar saw her, she noticed her chest was ripped open and she didn't have a heart.

"her heart. he wanted her heart." skylar said.

valack started looking through a file and turned back to skylar.

"there's no record of a heart condition. but a transplant would make theo a genetic chimera like the others. the hypothermic conditions would keep the organ viable. but why him? why choose a 10 year old willing to kill his own sister?" valack asked.

"why do you even care?" skylar asked.

"because theo was a first step in the right direction for the dread doctors. think of who they are. para scientists who have prolonged their lives and twisted the laws of nature in pursuit of one goal. the creation of the perfect killer. and now they've done it." valack replied.

"but theo doesn't know who the success is. the last chimera." skylar said.

"it doesn't matter. there's a reason they chose him, a reason he failed, a reason they changed their methods and a reason they finally succeeded. it all starts with theo." valack said.


"it was more than a symbol, wasn't it? it was a promise to reunite them." valack asked.

"yes." skylar replied.

"but has scott done it yet? will he be coming for you and lydia?" valack asked as the door started to buzz.

"someone's coming. but it's not scott." skylar said.

valack went out of the room to see theo with his pack of chimeras he brought back to life.

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