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The Cubs were leading 5-3 in the bottom of the 7th, with the Cardinals pitcher due up to bat. Carrie sat with Jessica and Emily while she watched Harrison make a very nice block.

"So when do you think he's going to man up and propose?"

It was a question Jessica and Emily had been asking for the last hour now. "Come on Carrie."

"Do you think he's scared?"

Carrie rubbed her chin. It was also something she'd been thinking about for the last few months. Truthfully, she couldn't wait for him to propose. She wanted to marry him. And soon.

The other thing she thought about was, kids. Part of her hoped after Harrison proposed, hopefully sometime soon, that they could start a family. It was conflicting though. If Harrison decided to propose sometime soon, she would end her career in the next year or two and focus on him and a family. The other part of her wanted to keep playing softball and get herself in shape for the 2020 Olympics.

Decisions, decisions.


She shook herself out of her short daydream. "Yeah?"

"Your boyfriend just took a shot."

Carrie looked up to see Harrison pacing behind the plate with his mask under his shoulder. She watched the replay on the scoreboard. He went to block a pitch that took a wild bounce and bounced up and hit him right in the mask.

After a few moments, he sat back down and called the next pitch. She knew what it felt like to take a ball of the mask. Back in her catching days, she was the queen of taking foul balls off the mask. It was always and uncomfortable feeling when the mask pushed back at her face after impact, and the loud sound made by the ball striking metal.

Carl Edwards Jr. was not helping himself or the team when he hit the Cardinals pitcher. Cubs fans groaned in annoyance as the opposing pitcher made his way down to first base.

Carrie shook her head. Missing and hitting the other pitcher right in the side was going to bring a retaliation to the Cubs. And the Cardinals weren't going to throw at their pitcher, they were going to target one of the guys like Harrison, Kris, Jason, or Javier.


The Cubs escaped a bases loaded, no outs jam, giving up only one run. Harrison was due up first in the top of the 8th.

He stepped into the batters box with his girlfriend crossing her fingers and hoping there wasn't going to be a retaliation.

Just as Carrie thought he might not take the retaliation, the first pitch of the inning sailed just over his head.

Harrison glared at the pitcher before stepping back into the right handed batters box. He took his step and started his swing. His hands didn't even start to the ball, as he had to turn away to take the pitch on the inside of his left shoulder.

He simply stood and glared at the pitcher for a few moments before undoing his elbow and shin guards as the bat boy came to grab his bat. Then he took a few steps towards first while continuing to stare at the pitcher.

After a few seconds of staring, he jogged down to first where he then proceeded to steal second and make it around the bases to score the Cubs 6th run of the game.


The Cubs held out and won 6-4 to win the series against the Cardinals 2-1.

They arrived in Milwaukee for the next series against the Brewers, later that afternoon. Harrison immediately crashed on their bed.


He nodded. "My back hurts too."

"Where you got hit?"

With his face against the pillow, he muttered a yes. Carrie found some ice and brought it to him.

Sitting next to him, she slipped her hand under his shirt and felt for the bruise. "Carrie!" He mumbled when she must've pushed on the bruise.

"I guess I found it."

She placed the ice on his shoulder. "This will help."

"I want to kick his ass."

Carrie started to play with his hair. "I know babe." He groaned. "Believe me I do. Next time you see him, hit one out."

He sat up and pressed his lips to hers for a deep and passionate kiss. "I love you Carrie."

"I love you too."

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