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"I love you."

"I love you too," Carrie said as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm going to miss you," Harrison told her quietly.

"Me too. But you know the plan. I'll call you every morning and every night. And I'll watch all you games."

"I wish you would be there to see them."

Carrie kissed his cheek. "I know but I promise I'll be watching them all on tv. Then once softball is over I'll be there in person."

"It's going to be a long month and a half."

"I know. I don't know how to say it other than it's gonna suck."

They called for Harrison's flight again. "I love you Carrie," he told her once again.

"I love you too," she answered before they kissed.

He picked up his bags and headed toward the gate. "I want to see you hit 40," Carrie called after him.

He smiled. "That's a lot of home runs your asking for."

She shrugged. "Keep hitting them like you are now and maybe I'll come visit earlier."

"I'll try my best."

"Don't forget my mom is only a half hour away if you need anything."

"I won't but I'll call you when I get there."

"Okay, you better get going, you're going to be late," Carrie teased.

Before the gate closed, he came running to her and gave her one last kiss. "I don't want to go."

"You're going to do great things. It won't be long before I'm there to see it in person."

Harrison quickly said goodbye then ran to catch his flight. Carrie watched him go. She could tell he was going to handle this long distance thing a lot worse than her because he was trying his hardest not to break down right in front of her in the airport.

Once he disappeared out of her sight, Carrie walked out of the airport and started to really think about her future as a professional softball player. She was still in her prime playing days. But there wasn't really much for pro softball players. No million dollar contracts, no Nike endorsements, and no contract that would pay her enough to live on her own. She did have an endorsement deal with Louisville Slugger to use their bats, but it payed nothing compared to Bryce Harper and his Under Amour deal.

Her future was more important to her than her playing career. As much as she loved softball, she couldn't play it competitively the rest of her life. Her body would't allow it. But she could spend the rest of her life with Harrison. And that was something she wanted to do. Maybe now was the time to make it official and move onto becoming his wife.


It had only been three days since Harrison moved out to LA to play for the Dodgers. And she could tell he was really missing her. He called her three times a day, sometimes maybe even more, and whenever they had time, they were always texting each other.

She set down her margarita. Sitting at the bar was very relaxing as she didn't have to play until this weekend and it helped her cope with missing him. It was odd not to see him everyday and even worse to have to watch all his games on tv now. Carrie sighed, something was going to have to be done about this because she wasn't sure how much longer they could handle the separation.

Another drink was set down next to hers, one she knew for sure she didn't order.

"Hey," a man's voice said from beside her. "You looked like you could use another one."

"What's your name?" he asked and Carrie couldn't help but just stare at him. He had sandy blonde hair and the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

"Carrie, what's yours?"

Just a quick chapter before I decide if I wanna shake things up or not.

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