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Carrie pushed him away from her. "What happened?" he asked.

"I can't do this."

"Do what?"

"I never should've agreed to this," she said to herself. 

"What's the big deal?" he questioned.

"I'm engaged," she snapped.

His eyes went wide. "Then what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm regretting owning up to this stupid bet," she answered.

"You could've told me you were engaged," he said quietly. "And I would've been nice to know. Then I would've kept myself from falling for you."

She walked away from him and put her hands on her head. "I can't believe this happened."

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Why did you let me?" he asked right back.

"So it's my fault you got me to come on this date then you decided it would be a good idea to kiss me?"

"You could have said no and we wouldn't have this problem. I really hope your husband doesn't find out for your sake."

That was another thing. Carrie didn't know how to tell Harrison if she should even bring this up to him. "But for real, why did you even agree to this?" Dawson asked. 

"You remind me a lot of my fiancé," she answered honestly. "I haven't seen him in over a month?"


"He just got traded to the Dodgers in July," Carrie explained. "And obviously I play here."

It was obvious after that statement Dawson realized who Harrison was. "That's why it's complicated."

"So basically you thought I was him?" 

She was going to lose her mind. "No, you guys are similar in some ways. You both have very big egos."

"Says the one that bet a date while engaged to another guy."

"And I can clearly see that was a very stupid decision to try and show you up." 

"Well if I was in your position I never would've done something like that."

Carrie grabbed her keys. "I hope you can find someone you love someday and maybe you can experience what it's like to be away from someone for this long."

"Whatever you say princess."

That set her off. "What the f*ck is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry that this date didn't mean shit to you but that it actually did to the other person here."

She just looked at him. "Once someone agrees to go on a date with you it usually means they're also interested in you. So it really sucks when you finally get a date after a long time of trying only to find out that they don't just have a boyfriend, but are engaged."

"Well maybe if you would've actually made that clear we wouldn't have to waste each others time."

"I would think the word date explains itself pretty well."

"What do you do? Just hit on every girl you see at work?"

He took a deep breath. "First, no I don't. Second, you seemed like a genuine person and I wanted to try and get to know you. Had you said you were engaged, I would've respected that and just done my job. But I didn't know that and I don't know how I'm supposed to know that if you're agreeing to everything."

"Well, it didn't seem like you were actually serious."

Dawson just shrugged. "I was."

"Well thank you for the food and I better get going."

Carrie walked to her car. She really had no idea what she was going to do about this and if Harrison should know about it. Dawson was so similar to Harrison it baffled her. Some of it was physical, but he acted so much like Harrison. He clearly wasn't afraid to argue with her, he had a sense of humor and he was literally Harrison but a slightly different appearance. The worst part about it was that she enjoyed the kiss...

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