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Today during batting practice, Carrie finally realized Harrison was something else. After an 11 inning loss to open the series against the Brewers, he hired a deejay to play during batting practice.

While Harrison was taking batting practice in his fluffy winter hat and crew neck Cubs sweatshirt, Carrie was in the outfield helping catch and shag balls that didn't quite make it out.

She wore the same thing as he did except a pair of black sweatpants in substitution of grey baseball pants. As she got under another one of his mishits, Carrie couldn't help but be thankful Miller Park had a roof. Or else it would be probably 20 degrees colder than it already was with a foot of snow being cleared off the field.

With the next crack of the bat, he sent a deep fly ball to left field. She kept going back and back until her feet touched the dirt warning track. The ball looked like it had a chance of getting out, but Carrie wasn't going to let a chance to rob her boyfriend of a home run, slip through her fingers.

One foot hit the padding. Then the next until she scaled the wall and caught the ball before it could land in the Cubs bullpen. All the guys began to cheer as she jumped down. Harrison shook his head from home plate in disbelief.

She checked the wall before jogging in to make sure she didn't tear the padding with her metal cleats. Carrie passed one of the outfielders Kyle on the way in.

Tossing him the ball, Carrie told him, "that's how it's done."


It was the top of the second. Harrison was up with Anthony on first. Since the Brewers pitcher was a lefty, he batted right handed.

The first pitch he sent flying out where it smacked against the outfield fence where she had previously robbed him, and bounced away to the left of the left fielder.

Harrison who ran well for a catcher, was rounding second base when the Brewers outfielder finally got to the ball. Long ago, when he and Carrie first met, she discovered he was a klutz. Today did not disappoint. He was rounding second base after stepping on the very front of it when he began to stumble. Harrison was halfway to third base when he dove right into the dirt.

As he scrambled to get up, the outfielder threw to third base. He dove around the side of the base and snuck his hand in just before the tag.

Javier teased him by holding up a fan from the dugout. Playing along, Harrison motioned for Javier to bring the fan out.

He stood up, showing his blue jersey and grey pants that were totally covered in dirt. There was even some on his face.


The Cubs were leading by three his next at bat. The Brewers had already changed pitchers in the fourth inning when Harrison made his way to the plate. He was just about to step into the batters box when the pitcher switched his glove onto his left hand from the right.

It suddenly clicked to Carrie. This was the switch pitcher Harrison was talking about. So, to move to the left side, the bat boy threw him his other helmet.

The pitcher switched his glove around again. Harrison switched his helmet until he finally gave up at this guy's little game.

He smoothed the left handed batters box out with his cleat before stepping in. One thing about the switch pitcher was that he didn't throw very hard from either side. Harrison sent a low inside pitch over the right field wall for his first home run of the season.


It was the top of the ninth with two outs and the Cubs up 11 to 6. This was the moment of truth. Out of Harrison's four at bats, he hit a home run, triple, double, and grounded out. He needed a single to complete the cycle.

She sat nervously on her hands. This could be his first career cycle. Harrison took two straight strikes. Then the pitcher missed twice to even the count. The next pitch he took opposite field into left field for a single to complete the cycle.

The Brewers threw the ball into the Cubs dugout where it would be sent to be authenticated. All the Cubs fans in Miller Park stood up and cheered. Including Carrie. They made eye contact for a second and she shot him a smile along with the thumbs up.

Guys, my new bat came like 5 minutes before I finished writing this and I'm so excited!!!!!!!

And I changed the cover of this book too. So do you guys like it?

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