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Carrie had no idea Harrison was coming home for the weekend. The Dodgers were in Cincinnati playing the Reds but the remaining two games of the four game series were cancelled due to weather. On top of that, the team had an off day after the series so Harrison had three days off of baseball.

She thought somebody was breaking into the house. As soon as she heard the lock, she quickly made her way into the kitchen where she could defend herself with one of the large knives if need be.


As soon as she heard his voice, Carrie ran over to the door to see him. "Harrison!"

He didn't have a chance to set down his stuff before she crushed him in a hug. "You didn't tell me you were coming home."

"I didn't either but then I wanted to surprise you."

She still hadn't let him go. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

They kissed. "I can't believe we did it," she said. "A whole month apart."

"And it'll only be another week before you can come out to LA with me."

Carrie kissed him again. "We'll win it in three games so I can get out there faster."

"You guys do that."

She finally let him go. "I love you."

"I love you too."

She hugged him again. "You don't seem real."

Harrison smiled. "And why's that?"

"Because I haven't seen you in a damn month."

"Well I'm real. And we have all weekend to spend together."

"We can start making wedding plans."

Harrison followed her into the kitchen. "When are we even going to do that?"

"I have no idea," she answered. "Should we do it soon?"

"It's up to you."

"We could do it next summer," she suggested. "But then that would be well over a year since we got engaged and I don't know if that's normal or not."

"We don't have to be normal," he answered. "We can do our own thing without caring about what everyone else wants or thinks."

"That's true but we should probably start getting some ideas together. If we decided to wait until next summer it might be hard if you make the All Star game."

"What about if we do it this winter? We can do it outside and in LA and we could fly everyone out here so people coming wouldn't be a problem."

"Do you want to have a big wedding?" Carrie asked.

"It doesn't matter to me," Harrison answered. "Whatever you want to do is okay with me."

"Winter is pushing it," she admitted. "It would be different if we actually started looking at stuff and planning for it but we are absolutely nowhere."

He laughed, getting her to smile as well. "Hey, we'll figure it out."

"We will."


Carrie had started her painting project with Harrison. They got up early and Harrison went to get breakfast as Carrie got the paint ready and started working on the trim. She was not prepared for what was going to come home.

She was in the kitchen when he came home. The door opened hard and slammed against the wall. "Carrie!"

Harrison stormed into the kitchen. "Why is the dude from Home Depot telling me you guys went on a date and you kissed him!?"

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