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Her punches pack some ammo and sting. The little lady has it but doesn't know what she carries within her. She can be a master of the sea instead of obediently swimming with the waves. She's stronger than she knows.
-Evaluation Notes, Owner, Unknown.


CATCHING a quick glimpse of the man before racing off, Sophie gave up a precious glance at the man to notice his back was facing her. He was carefully checking the inside of a small closet. She took her opportunity and raced to the open DVD cupboard. For someone who purposely took her time in chemistry, dragging her assignments on so she could do them at home, she moved quicker than the speed of lightning.

Why can't I move like this all the time?

Her hand slid off the banister, her legs slowly, without making any noise, pushed off the first step. Her next aim was to fall on her hands and knees, crawling on the floorboards and past the carpet under the couch and coffee table, directly diving into the DVD cabinet.

Seconds later, as the hatch shut as she pulled the door closed, the stranger struts inside, seeming quite befuddled. Without touching anything, his eyes scouted out the perimeter of the living area like a black cat tracking its prey down. Sophie's little heartbeat had sped up when she keenly observed the man beginning to move in her general direction.

His Italian leather boots, black as night, hit Sophie's field of vision in the crack of the door she appeared to leave slightly open. Only to have a cautious eye trained on the man. The sea green in her irises danced in a flurry of fright, eying his strong masculine legs, hips, torso, broad shoulders, then the gentleman's concentrating features.

Once she laid her eyes upon the man's profile, he too, at the same time, shifted his face at her. They both locked eyes. A panicked gasp left Sophie's thin lips, her terrified eyes reverted elsewhere as she shut the cabinet door completely. Footsteps quickened in their pace as the person came her way. A sliver of a crack split between where the door and the hinges for the door to fold closed, allowed Sophie to peek through. She saw his movements through the tiny crack, that now he blocked the light which streamed in through the living room windows to the inside of the small cabinet.

Fear was as thick as glue in her blood as a chill rocketed down her spine, shooting out her legs. The stranger took a step closer to her inside the cabinet. He's going to open the door! She thought terribly frightened, this'll be the end for me...

As if in a horror movie, the door violently lets out a slow, intimidating creak as its hinges grind together. Sophie further curled into a fetal position, preparing for the worst. As the door fully opened, she once again locked her eyes with her opponent. Chocolaty hazel entwined with emerald sea green. A thought suddenly posed her mind. Sophie had all the intentions to jump up, ram her hands into his shoulders, clobbering the man to the ground and then making a dash for the front door.

All of that vanished the minute their irises met. Sophie appeared to be frozen in time, paralyzed in her body, not wanting to move a muscle. The little lady was so terribly frightened that if she had moved the slightest bit, her attacker would do something. Both creatures, seemingly continued to appear shockingly surprised at their predicament. Surprise captured the man's features.

Without warning, Sophie flinched back at her stranger's hand beginning to move away from his side. He abstained from further outstretching his hand to her when he caught the little girl shift away. His eyes flickered from his palm to her. Each corner of his mouth raised up to the ceiling as he tried to lift some of the tension in the room.

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