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She loves to listen. Instead of fighting criticism, she devours every helpful word to better her techniques. If she keeps up this attitude, she may conquer something great. But, she still needs to control her temper. It's still a dangerous and unpredictable storm.
-Evaluation Notes, Owner, Unknown.


      LIGHTLY shading over the Weeping Willow tree that she drew, Sophie calmly breathed. The first real and safe breath since she came to the triskelion. There seemed to be an easy tranquility roving the atmosphere in the control center of the triskelion.

      Inside the spacious room that could fit two master bedrooms, an open kitchen, and a walk-in bathroom, Sophie easily ignored all the agents going to and fro from their desks and computer screens, to some of the high rise holographic monitors housing detailed live videos of attacks and enemies. There were three different TVs in the room, each one televised different news from around the world.

      Half the area baked in sunlight that which illuminated in from the floor to ceiling windows, and the other half of the wall was dedicated to a large holographic computer screen. Sophie sat near the windows at the far end of the room, sitting in a black office chair and sketching a picture.

      When she first came into the control center, Sophie's catty eyes ventured out the perfect sitting area. Wisely smart enough to realize after Maria finished touring the young lady around the building and dropping her off here, she likely would be there for the rest of the day.

      Cheekily, she saw how the desk was positioned in a certain fashion so she could simply glance to her right and see out the windows, or turn to her left and watch other people do work if boredom arose her.  

      I hope I can find my way back to my living quarters, Sophie's eyes dazed in and out as she stared at her paper in such a terrifying thought. I don't want to be wandering around like I did at the Professor's school that very first day. Gosh, that was embarrassing...

      Her finger twitched back into the rhythm of shading, and finding herself bored, gave her eyes a stretch across the room. A sudden dark figure caught her attention.

      Sophie watched the woman as she maneuvered around other agents, stopped at a computer screen, then walked her way along more desks. It wasn't the strangers peculiar color of suit that made Sophie desist and stare at the woman, for the outfit was plainly black as midnight, but the object on her back was what grabbed the young ones eyes.

      Captain America's shield was clamped to the strangers back, the real one. Sophie hadn't noticed how engrossed she was in the mysterious details of the woman, until she began to make her way towards her.

      Frighteningly, Sophie's slightly parted lips drew a breath as she blinked once in panic and only did what she thought was clever—glanced down at her picture.

      "Oi, Child."

      Crap! She thought, maybe if I ignore her and keep my head down, she'll think I didn't hear her and walk away.

      "I know you heard me." With this, Sophie gradually lifted her head and raised her eyes at the same time. Her penciled hand was as still as a fly. "Are you that Sophie Adams kid?"

      "Why, who's asking?" Sophie demanded, finding herself deliberately discreet with her words towards the stranger who had a smooth English accent.

      Closing the distance between them, the woman stood an arms length away from Sophie sitting in the black swivel chair. Hands on her hips, Sophie took the chance to study her features, in addition, she caught a quick eye roll from the stranger against Sophie's tart question.

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