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I remember making a note from the beginning that Sophie obverses things carefully. It's a pity her parents don't want their children becoming agents like them; she'd make a damn good one.
-Evaluation Notes, Owner, Unknown.


    WHEN Sophie didn't think she was being watched, Audrey examined everything that the young woman displayed, from the way she seemed to have a habit of biting her bottom lip as she read to how she narrowed her eyes and connected her brows together in puzzlement. She now saw more characteristics of the little girl than Steve had described to her by the fireplace in the living room of his apartment.

    She marveled at the slightest childish quirks she used without knowing. The English lady's upper lip twitched to the ceiling as Sophie lay on her belly, palms braced under her chin, swinging her legs in the air behind herself. When she came upon a verse in Audrey's Bible that seemed to have intrigued her in some way, her legs stilled.

    Audrey's smirk broadened into a grin.

    Breathing outwardly, she shut the book she had no interest in, for her mind had wandered to Sophie the entire time. She got up from her seat, which all of a sudden felt hard, as a strange, heavy sense of depression filled in her heart. It took a moment for her to realize that the cause was seeing Sophie go through so much, and receive so little of the answers she suffered for. 

    "I'm just going out to see if the cafeteria is still open, would you like something while I'm out?" 

    Without having to take her eyes off her page, Sophie read in her head and talked out loud at the same time when she answered, "No thanks."

    Even though she hadn't had the courtesy of giving Audrey her attention, at least she gave her a 'thanks.' That was good enough for her, not that she cared too much anyway with something else weighing on her mind.

    Graceful as a feline, Audrey noiselessly shut the door to her bedroom and headed outside her living quarters. She left Sophie for a while to go somewhere that wasn't the cafeteria.


    "You know as well as I do, and the rest of us, that Sophie is entitled to know any information we discover on her family." The Avenger blasted open Fury's door, stalked into his office with little regard for the disturbance she was causing, and hunched over his desk with curled fists. "So, why are you keeping things from her?"

    Sighing through his nostrils, a small headache scratched its claws down the front of his head. Removing himself from his paperwork, he set down his pen and entwined his fingers together, gazing up at one of his finest agents. "That is none of your concern, Embers." Though she was a pain in his ass most days.

    "Actually, Director, it has been our concern the day she walked into this building, and you gave the okay to help investigate her family's case."

    "I don't have to explain anything to you," Fury said, a lethal warning coating his voice. "Now, get out." 

    'Anger' between the two would most certainly be an understatement.

    Silence hung around them. She never broke contact with his eye, but suddenly something else replaced the wrath that boiled her blood. Pity. She truly felt sorry for the Director if things continued to play out as she suspected they would.

    Pulling herself off his desk, she straightened her shoulders and squared her chin. "I hope you know what you're doing. She will never, ever, trust you when she finds out you were withholding information from her."

Nomad | Hawkeye FF ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon