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"WHAT on earth –"

"I don't think that's a good idea Sophie." At the same time her parents spoke out against her proposal, or 'idea' as her father put it, she shook her head.

"You don't understand—" Sophie started.

"No, " her mother rudely interrupted, "I don't think you understand fully." Her mother stood firm as her words; eyes never wavering from Sophie's.

"But mum—"

"No 'buts'," she said, drawing a line in the air with her index finger. "You are not going to join SHIELD, I forbid it."


"No Jack," she snapped, pinning her fiery eyes on her husband. "I will not lose another child." Lethal warning coated her tone.

"And I agree. You know, you're not the only parent to have lost a child too, we both did. So calm down," he advised. "I'm sure Sophie has a good reason why she wants to join SHIELD."

"Are you saying you agree with this?" she asked, and quickly assumed his responds before he could answer, and swept in to say, "I cannot believe you!"

"Katherine, please! I never said I agreed or disagreed with Sophie. All I'm saying," he breathed, "is that we need to hear her out. She's heard us out on this matter, and knows where we stand. Let her speak," he told, then muttered frustratingly, "And you said she has my temper, humph," he expressed, crossing his arms over his chest and eying his wife.

Katherine, leaning her shoulder on one of the porch's posts, and holding her mug close to her chest, eyed her husband attentively knowing he was right. She despised being wrong. In fact, they talked several times about her fierce, yet dangerous temper. A fire can be quenched, and Katherine Adams' temper devoured, there was no end to the toxic fumes her rage soared to.

Tilting her chin up, she regarded Sophie. Her face remained hard. "Fine," was all she said, her voice scratchy and rough due to her sinuses being plugged.

Sophie breathed, and realized how long she held the air in, and how utterly terrified she truly was. Her sloppy memories had her neglect another thing over the years without her parents. How much she felt sick to disappoint her mother.

"Mum," she slowly started. "I know you, and Dad have been trying to avoid anything to do with SHIELD ever since I could remember, and how much you didn't want Eve and I to join." She steadied her breathing pattern as her heart raced, and at the same time, collected the precise words to say, for if she screwed up—slipped up—it would cost her. Her mother wasn't one to be trifled with, her father however, he was the softy that would sneak an extra cookie under the table when no one was paying attention.

"But I'd like to do this—for me," she quickly included. "I've never done anything for myself. I've always had one goal in mind, and that was finding you two. I want to experience life, I want to know what it feels like to have a real job. Maybe dangerous, but." She bite her bottom lip, finding a board on the porch intriguing to stare at. "I'm not little anymore, I am turning eighteen soon ya know," she said, lifting her head up to glance at them.

Stillness hovered over the group of individuals like death, then finally her mother sniffled, and in her stuffy voice, gently said, "You're right." Sophie blinked. She certainly wasn't expecting such a responds. "You are turning eighteen soon, and there will be no stopping you then." Oh no, she thought, this doesn't sound so g— "You have my approval." Wait, what? Sophie let loose yet another breath she held without her knowledge. "Of course your father, and I will have to talk it over together later."

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