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November 7th 2018

    A cool breeze blew by in the early crisp morning, disturbing the steam rolling up and out of Sophie's white mug. Glancing up from her black tea, she watched the naked branches sway in the wind. The air smelled of snow, frost, and cooler weather to come.

     She embraced the cold weather, and readied herself for shorter days, became enthusiastic about bringing out her sweaters, soaks, scarfs, mittens, boots, and hats. The young adult even re-organized her closet, having arranged the warmest clothes to the front, and the lighter attire farther in the back. Lately her old room, with some new modern alterations to it since Sophie's outgrown Barbie dolls, and Care Bears, has had a different feel, and the house a greater emptiness without Eve.

     The family remained grieving for their daughter, and Sophie for the loss of a sister. All arrangements for a funeral were done, and paid for by SHIELD on behalf of Fury the month before. They all were grateful for his support and along with SHIELD's, but it never eased any pain, or the fact that they lost her. Once in a while, Sophie's mind drifted to the concept that now she was the oldest, but constantly refused to think so in memory, and out of respect of her eldest sister. Eve would forevermore be the oldest, wisest, and her role model. Therefore, she didn't know if she was ready to take up the mantle of a different position, if her parents re-decided to have another child. 

     On the road to far more positivity, her parents were making a speedy recovery from being held hostage for over six and a half years. During their captivity, they lost a great amount of weight, but now are gaining it back. Remaining on a steady, and healthy diet of, food. And offered by SHIELD, and in the family's best interests, both Adams chose to take anonymous counseling sessions, due to their PTSD. The disorder no doubt arising from all those years enslaved by Hydra.

     Another nippy wind flew by, this one snapping Sophie out of her deep thoughts. Her legs rocked back and forth in sync with her father's, as they sat together on the porch swing. She greatly enjoyed their slow rhythm, the ease and calmness in the atmosphere, and over all, his presence. His physical existence in human flesh form, true and alive as the big blue sky, naught a flimsy made up imagery in the mind. Although in some cases, she found herself staring for too long at her parents, thinking if they were truly real or just a figment of her imagination.

     Some days Sophie had difficultly wrapping her brain around the fact that her parents were back; alive and well. That the whole thing was no sick joke, or nightmare. Her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. The reality pertaining to their existence had Sophie dig up old memories, ones that were worth remembering, and making her thankful everyday for their survival all those years. 

     In the hours of solitude with her father, Sophie's slender fingers cupped her mug a little tighter, and felt the drink cool down. "Dad," she called out and froze, the name alone brought moisture to her eyes. In all the years pursuing the search for her parents, she never thought she'd receive another chance to say, dad or mom again. "Why do we need to go to SHIELD this afternoon?" she asked.

     Sophie carefully took in his profile, the way the wind blew through his midnight hair, how it was short-cropped and neatly combed back, how his cheeks—once sunken—now full and displayed a bit of color.

     She even watched how he easily took in a breath, and exhaled the air out.

     "Because, you're mother and I have something to discuss with the Director," he told, swinging his dark olive green eyes in her direction. They sparkled when he smiled comfortably down at his daughter. Sophie had forgotten that she obtained her eyes from her father's side, and her fair skin, and brown hair, from her mother's side.

     She smiled back and returned to the outdoor scenery. A few minutes into the silence, the front door rattled, then was opened and along with it, the screen door was pushed wide. Katherine emerged from around the door as she gently shut it, a hot black mug in one hand, and the other wedged between her white woolen sweater, and armpit. She had on her favorite pair of blue jeans and bunny slippers.  

     "You two still out here?" she said, smiling against the bitter wind, and the nip already crawling up her spine. "Brr, it's so cold out." Her lips chattered.

     "Mum you shouldn't be out here, you have a cold. Go back inside and stay by the fire," Sophie ordered, worry evident in the fine lines of her face.

     Katherine waved her daughter off with the hand that was tucked under her armpit, and said, "Oh hush, it's not that bad. And you know, a little fresh air once in a while when you're sick, is actually healthy." She blew on the steam curling out of her mug, and took a dainty sip.

     Observing his wife, recollecting how stubborn she was, Jack playfully said, "I think she's just going crazy staying inside, so that was her only excuse to get outside." Katherine shot her husband a glare. "Only stating the truth, honey." Jack smiled sweetly. It was those special, humors, and joyful moments that made Sophie wonder if she were dreaming, or all was real. 

     Smiling happily at her parents, she thought to say, "You both are dumb."

     "And guess what," her father said, shifting in his seat and pinching Sophie's nose. "You came from us, so that makes you dumb too."

     "Ha, ha." She swatted his hand away, and leaned back in the swing as she rocked with her father, who now chuckled beside her. "So," she started after some time. "Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?"

     "What elephant?" Jack asked.

     "Mom's powers," Sophie answered not so subtle. Both Adams peeked at each other, stunned. Their daughter rolled her eyes. "Yes guys, I know she can control fire, that's how I was born with the four elements," she paused, "isn't it?" There was a split second of doubt as the question fell out.

     A flock of birds flew over the house, passing the bare trees, and landing in a farmer's field across the road in front of their house. The only sounds were of the wind, the birds squawking their complaints to one another, and the creaking of the porch's swing.

     Katherine took a large gulp of her lemon and ginger tea. "Honey," began her father, "you have to understand—"

     "Jack, the cats out of the bag, there's no putting it back now," Katherine stated rather flatly. Her gaze, that which followed the group of Starlings in the dead grass, that once was tall and lush, now short and spotted with light browns and yellows, traveled over to Sophie. "Yes, I can control fire, and yes." She blinked and breathed deeply. "You got your powers from my side of the family." Her hand unintentionally tightened on her mug's handle.    

     "Was—" Sophie began, but her mother cut her off.

     "How did you find out?"

     Reluctantly, Sophie said, "Fury," she paused, and noted her mother's pursed lips, whether out of disapproval or irritation, Sophie hadn't a clue. "He let me dig into your files that SHIELD kept on record," she honestly told, then carried on with the question she had in mind to ask before her mother interrupted her. "Was your job with SHIELD, and mum's power, what you both kept from," Sophie swallowed and choked out, "Eve, and I?"

     They hardly hide the shame as their eyes reverted to the wooden planks that aligned the porch. By now, Sophie and her father slowed to a silent stop in their rocking, the porch swing released one harsh creak as they completely fell quiet.

     "I guess that answers that question," Sophie muttered. "Now that one cat is out of the bag...I have something to tell you both," she said, fiddling with her fingers that entwined. Her whole body tensed right before her next pick of words, ones that would settle dread in the pit of her parent's bones. "I think I want to join SHIELD."

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