A Bad Reunion

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Fizzy and Izzy weren't sick anymore. Regardless of drinking water, the poison was reaching Sapphire. They continued along the path. None of them dared to touch the berries. The traveling may come to an end soon. Sapphire could smell Tiny Sapphire. He wondered if he was still alive. No, he had to be. Saital doesn't kill them.

They took a few more steps. They found Tiny Sapphire. But, they found Tiny Sapphire, and Saital found them. Sapphire grabbed Tiny Sapphire, who was trembling with fear. Sapphire realized. She does kill them. Sapphire held him closer. Saital lunged at them and grabbed Tiny Sapphire. While she held him, he turned to white energy and disappeared, reappearing next to Sapphire, who noticed he was holding the Soul Dew.
"The Soul Dew has chosen you as well, Tiny Saf!" Sapphire said. Saital's face was full of disbelief.
"There's no such thing as being 444 CHOSEN by a stupid droplet of water," she said. Sapphire  held Tiny Sapphire again as Saital lunged at him once again. He dropped the Soul Dew, which had been protecting him from the poison the whole time. He felt weaker, and using the last of his strength, threw Tiny Sapphire somewhere else, and covered it with boulders on all sides. Tiny Sapphire could peer in through a small hole. He couldn't pick the Soul Dew back up, because it turned into nothing but a puddle of normal water.

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