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Scott was now back at his apartment setting up things for when Kirstie comes over in a little bit.

He keeps wishing Mitch was here to coach him through this, but deep down the tall blonde knew he would be alright and that he shouldn't be nervous to tell Kirstie anything.

As he's caught up in his thoughts, the door bell rings and he opens the door to be meant by the short cheerful brunette.

"Hey, noodle!" Kirstie says giving Scott a hug.

"Hey, Kit Kat!" Scott says.

She walks to the kitchen area and looks at all the stuff Scott has out.

"Cheese! My favorite!" Kirstie says cheerfully.

"Yup! Since you were coming over I made sure to take out all of your favorite foods." Scott says laughing.

"So thoughtful." Kirstie says.

Scott and Kirstie begin to talk and Scott pours Kirstie and himself a glass of wine.

"Where's Mitch?" She asks.

"He decided to go out with his friend Austin at the last minute. So it's just me and you." Scott explains.

"Oh okay. We'll have just as much fun with just the two of us!" Kirstie says smiling.

Scott smiles back and looks into her eyes as she looks back into his.

They stare into each other's eyes for what seems like forever.

Scott catches himself out of his daze.

"Sorry for- Kirstie, can I talk to you about something?" Scott says.

"Umm....yeah what's up?" She says takin herself out of her daze.

"Well ummm...I-"

"What is it?" Kirstie asks.

"I li-"

"I like you too." Kirstie says before Scott can get the words out of his mouth.

"Wait!? Really?" Scott asks shocked.

"I'm surprised it took you this long to tell me. I know you've liked me since high school." She admits.

Scott still in shock doesn't know what to say.

"To be honest, I've liked you since high school too, but I never knew how to tell you." She admits.

"Actually, I was gonna say I love you. I've liked you since I met you, but I feel in love with you the first time I heard you sing in choir. It was so beaut-"

Scott was cut off by Kirstie's lips slamming into his.

He was taken aback for a moment, but then deepened the kiss.

"Maybe we should take this to your room..." Kirstie says breaking the kiss.

Scott then picks her up in his arm and carries her to his bedroom and locks the door.

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