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Two months later

Kirstie is now four months pregnant.

Pentatonix just got done with tour and are going to take a little break for awhile.

"This tour was amazing!" Avi shouts as he gets off the tour bus.

"I think this was one tour to remember!" Mitch says.

Close behind is Scott helping Kirstie off the bus and to the car.

Scott has been very careful and supportive of Kirstie since the day he found out she was pregnant with their child.

He's pretty much been doing everything for her. Kirstie doesn't mind though.

She loves all the attention Scott is giving her and how caring he is.

"Scott, I'm pregnant. I'm okay to walk on my own two feet." Kirstie says as Scott picks her up bridal style.

"Just don't want you to over tire yourself, babe." He says walking towards the car.

Mitch and Kirstie just laugh at Scott.

"Just imagine how he'll be when the baby is actually here!" Kevin says.

"Don't listen to them, Scott. You'll be a great father." Esther says walking along side him.

They all walk to their separate cars and bid goodbye until they see each other next week.


Next morning

Today Kirstie and Scott find out the gender of the baby and they couldn't be more excited.

Esther and Mitch are coming along since Scott and Kirstie don't want to find out right away.

They want to do a gender reveal with all their close friends and family.

"Are you sure you don't want to find out the gender right away? You know how Mitch is about keeping secrets." Esther says from the drivers seat.

"We're sure." Kirstie says.

"Do you have names picked out yet?" Mitch asks.

Scott and Kirstie look to each other and smile.

"Why don't you tell them the boys name?" Scott asks Kirstie.

"For a boy we were thinking about the name Justin Alexander." Kirstie says with a smile.

"And for a girl with we were thinking Rose Gold." Scott says excitingly.

"I love the girls name!" Esther says.

They go on and on about baby talk until they finally reach the doctors office.

Scott of course, helps Kirstie out of the car and walks hand in hand with her inside.

They sigh in and wait to be called back to see the doctor.

As soon as they call their name, Scott quickly gets up and walks back to their room for the doctor.

"Good morning, everyone! Big gathering here today I see." The doctor says.

Kirstie laughs and says, "yes they will be the only ones today that know the gender. Scott and I will wait until our gender reveal."

"How lovely. Well, let's get started!"

The doctor rubs the gel on Kirstie small but noticeable stomach and looks around.

"Well, here is baby." She says.

The she writes down the gender on a piece of paper and hands it off to Esther and Mitch.

They both smile at each other as Esther puts the small paper away.

"Okay, the baby is happy and health! And I'm sure they can't wait for you guys to find out what he or she is!" The doctor says happily.

Kirstie cleans herself up and they all bid their goodbyes to the family doctor and leave her office.

The entire way home, Mitch and Esther smile from ear to ear.

"Okay, here's the plan! Mitch and I will drop you guys back off at the apartment and we'll go get things to decorate the apartment with tonight. Avi and Kevin will be in charge of the gender reveal cake and Mitch and I will do the rest!" Esther says pulling up in front of the apartment building.

Scott and Kirstie nod and head upstairs to get ready and call their parents.

Esther and Mitch drive off and head to the party store.

"I can't believe it! They're going to be so happy!" Mitch says.

What do you think #BabyHoying is going to be? Boy💙 or Girl💖

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