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Sorry I've been away for a while. I've had to sort somethings out and get my life back together after a crazy few years.

Also, the screenshot above gives me life!

I LOVE Scott and Kirstie's friendship.

Scott finished up editing the new superfruit video and shows it to Kirstie and Mitch before posting it on YouTube so he can see Kirstie's react.

"Kirst, the video is finished! Do you want to watch it before I post it?" Scott asks Kirstie who is laying in bed next to him.

"Sure." She says rolling over to face Scott.

Scott queues up the video and places the laptop on Kirstie lap.

They watch the intro and such and then they start to answer the questions from twitter.

"Yes! Scirstie is real!" Scott says in the video.

Kirstie eyes widen and she turns to Scott who has a giant smile in his face.

The smiles starts to fade from Scott's face the longer he looks at Kirstie's unsure face.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks.

"I thought we weren't going to tell people yet??" Kirstie asks.

"It's okay, babe. I just confirmed we were dating. Nothing about the pregnancy." Scott says rubbing her belly.

Kirstie sighs.

"You're right. I don't know what I'm freaking out about." She says.

Just then, Mitch walks into the room to ask how the Superfruit video is coming along.

"She watched the part where you answered the question, didn't she?" Mitch asks.

Scott nods.

Mitch looks at Kirstie, but she doesn't look mad or upset.

"Is everything okay then, Kirst?" Mitch asks.

Kirstie shrugs.

"He didn't say nothing about the pregnancy yet. So, I guess it's all good." Kirstie says.

Then Mitch get a video idea in his head.

"What if, we do a pregnancy announcement video?" Mitch asks.

"You mean on Superfruit? I don't know about that, Mitchie." Scott says.

"No, on the PTX YouTube channel!" Mitch says.

Kirstie then starts to think about cute ideas the band can do to announce it to the world.

Scott looks over at Kirstie and at how excited she is about this idea.

"Does that sound good, Kit?" Scott asks.

"Sounds great!" Kirstie says with excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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