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"Scott, I'm fine it's just a contraction." Kirstie says.

Scott just eyes her with concern as she grips a tight hold on his hand.

"Are you sure? They've never been this bad before." Scott says.

"I'm sure. I also just have really bad heartburn too, hunny. It's mostly heartburn pain." She says walking to the kitchen for some tums.

Mitch then comes walking out of his room towards Scott and says, "they say if you have bad heartburn while you're pregnant, the baby will come out with a full head of hair! She's going to be gorgeous!"

"Thanks, Mitchie but we still have some time before we actually find out if that tall tail rings true." Kirstie says walking into the living room area.

Scott laughs and gets up to answer the door.

"Regardless, I'm going to love her." He says.

When Scott opens the apartment door, Kirstie's mom stands before him.

"Hey, Ms. Maldonado! It's so nice to see you!" Scott says giving her a hug.

"Sweetie, we're particularly family now! Call me mom." She says grabbing his face.

"Mom!" Kirstie says walking towards her.

They greet each other and walk over to Mitch on the couch where Kirstie's mom greets him.

"I didn't know you were coming out here! I could've picked you-"

"Sweetie, it's okay. I have a rent-a-car. I came to see if you needed any help setting up the nursery." She says.

"We actually do. The third bedroom is just full of junk now and we need help cleaning it." Kirstie says.

"Okay I'll stay as long as you need me. Oh and Scott sweetie. I brought you a surprise." Kirstie's mom says getting up off the couch as the doorbell rings.

She walks over and opens the door up as Scott's mom is standing there with a smile.

"My Scott buckets! I've missed you so much!" She says walking into the apartment.

Scott greets his mom and she goes around greeting Kirstie and Mitch.

"I figured you needed some help, so I called your mom for back-up." She says with a smile.

"Shall we get started on the nursery?"


After they go through all the junk that was in the third room of the apartment, Kirstie's mom and Scott's mom take Kirstie out to pick out a crib and stuff for the nursery.

Scott stays home with Mitch to film superfruit.

At the store, Kirstie confronts her mom and Scott's mom about her concerns and fears with her pregnancy.

"I think you as Scott will make great parents!" Her mom says.

"Yes, honey. And if you need either of us will be here along with Scott's sisters." Scott's mom says.

"I'm just...I'm worried that this baby will hold the band back from success." Kirstie says.

"We will work out a plan. When you guys tour, Connie or I can take the baby or something. When the time comes, we'll figure it out." Her mom says.

Kirstie nods and looks at the ground.

"Have you discussed any of this with Scott?" Connie asks.

Kirstie shakes her head and continues to stare at the floor.

"I think you guys should talk about this before the baby comes. He'll understand. I'm sure he had the same concerns as you." Connie says.

They both manage to calm Kirstie down and continue shopping for the crib.

When Kirstie gets home, she walks to hers and Scott's shared bedroom where Scott was sitting on the bed with his phone.

"Hey, B-"

"We need to talk."

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