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"Shit! What am I going to do!?" She asks worried.

"Call Scott in here." Mitch says.

Kirstie calls out of Mitch's room for Scott.

Scott walks into Mitch room and it met by the two of them.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Sit down. Kirstie needs to tell you something." Mitch says and walks towards the corner of the room.

"Everything okay?" Scott asks concerned.

"Yeah everything's fine...ummm but there is one thing." She says.

"What's that?" Scott asks.

Kirstie hesitates for a moment and then hands Scott the pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant!?" He says shocked.

Kirstie nods and looks down at her feet.

Scott looks at the stick and back at Kirstie.

He can't believe it.

"This says you're two months pregnant. That's means-"

"Yup. That night when I came over after the PTX writing session is when it happened." She says.

Kirstie keeps looking down at her feet and lets a tear face.

Scott watches the tears roll down her face and gets up and hugs her.

"Everything's going to be okay,KitKat. I'm here for you." Scott says holding her.

"Scott, I don't want the fans to know." She says.

"You mean you want to get rid of it?" Scott asks.

"No. I mean I want to finish the album and whatever music videos and just do this in private with just the band and our families and no one else." She says.

"Are you sure? I mean the public will eventually find out." Mitch says.

She nods and buries her face into Scott's chest.

"Are you happy about this baby?" Scott asks.

She nods.

"Then why are you crying, Princess?" Scott asks.

"I'm just scared. I've never took care of a child before! What if I'm a bad mom?" She says crying harder.

"You're going to be an amazing mom, sweetie." Mitch says hugging Scott and Kirstie.

She lifts her head up from Scott's chest and looks at Scott and Mitch.

Mitch grabs her a tissue and hands it to her.

Scott wipes her tears away with his thumbs and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

The three stand there hugging each other and try to process everything that is going on right now.

Then Scott arranges for a band meeting tonight at their apartment to discuss all of this.

What do you guys think? Do you think she'll be able to keep her pregnancy a secret or no?🤔

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