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Millie's POV


What does Love mean?
Is it to sacrafice yourself for a person?
Is it to share everything you have?
Is it to cry and laugh together? 
Is it to have butterflies in your stomach when you see that person?

I guess I'll never find out.

All these things were running through my head while I was sitting on my bed with the sheets covering my bare body.
I just slept with my best friend....I don't know how..or when it happened but he's laying next to me, also covered in bed sheets and snoring slightly.

I got up and tried to find a shirt but all I found was Finns, so I put it on and made my way out of the room, trying not to wake him up.
But before I got out of the door I turned around again and sat on the edge of the bed, one hand on my stomach and the other one on my mouth, remembering the things we did last night, and trying not to cry. It's not that I don't like him. I just never thought it would happen with him even if I love him. he's my best friend and will always be. But right now, I actually don't know what to feel anymore
I just sat there and looked at him with the feeling of wanting to wake him up so bad now, I wanted to kiss him again, hold him..but on the other side, I wished that I could just forget everything, and I had no idea why.

I sat in the kitchen drinking a coffee. A big window allows the sun to shine trough and give a warm yellow light which blinded me slightly.

I wiped my eyes and got up when I saw him standing in the doorframe.

He looked at me confused, and ruffled his messy brown locks.

Oh these goddamn good looking locks

"Are...are you wearing my shirt again?"

I looked up.

"Yeah...ahm...you didn't mind yesterday either"

He exhaled.

He walked over to me and sat down.
I gulped.

Finn took a deep breath before speaking up: "I know what happened last night..and..and I don't know how or whe-
But Millie shushed him by placing her finger on his mouth, it made Finn grow red like a tomato.

"I know...we probably just had too much wine...." she stopped in her sentence and inhaled deep. "How..how about we just forget what happened?"

Finn looked at her in shock, he couldn't believe she just said that.

"Are you serious right now Millie?"

She looked up at him, a confused expression was shown on her face, She knitted her eyebrows and stared at Finn as he waited for her to say something.

"Millie.." Finn tried to find the right words.
This was new to him. He had so many complicated talks in his life but no one of them had ever been with his best friend, and especially not about a topic like this.

"Millie...we can't just forget" he said in an almost whisper tone, showing her he meant what he said.

"Oh yeah?" Millie was starting to get mad now. Her feelings were all over the place and she was at the verge of crying.
Finn noticed and got mad too.

"No we can't!"

"Oh yeah and why not? why not Finn?! TELL ME!!" Millie was screaming now.

Finn started crying and broke down on the floor.

Millie stood in shock. His words echoed in her head
And suddenly, all the memorys from their childhood came back.
How they were always being shipped with the name 'Fillie' and the other cast members also teased them with it.
Millie even remembered one time that Gaten read a fanfiction about them and told Finn, which made him grow red and leave the room.

Why didn't she realize everything sooner.
Why didn't she realize that she had feelings for her bestfriend.
Why didn't she realize that He loved her.

She snapped back into reality with loud sobs and hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
This made Finn look up.

"Millie please don't cry..p..please"

He took her hands in his own and stroked them softly, it calmed her down a little and she started breathing normally again.

He pulled her down to his lap and let her cry into his shirt, he didn't care at that moment. He just wanted her to stop crying, It hurt him so much to see her like this.

They both just sat there on the kitchen floor crying. Finn stroking Millie's short hair and holding her close while she had her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

"F...Finn?" Millie asked whispering in his now wet soaked shirt.

He took a deep breath before replying: "Yes Millie?"

"I...I love you" she said while blushing madly.

Finn smiled and kissed her forhead.

"I love you too Mills"

I honestly want this to happen so bad

Star struggles~fillie [ ON HOLD ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora