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Millie stood infront of the redhaired girl, still trying to process everything and wondering how she got into her Apartment when the girl spoke up:

"Mills...it's me"

she gave Millie a warm, reasurring smile and opened her Arms, letting Millie hug her and sob into her dress.

"B-...but the car accident..I saw everything. you were-" Millie stuttered in between heavy sobs but Sadie interupted her, not taking her arms off her in a comforting way.

"Shhhhhhhh it's complicated, Millie but I'm here now and everything will go back to what it was....I promise"

Millie tried to let go of her grip.
"No! this is just another illusion! I'm not gonna let this happen again! first Finn, now you! I can't live with his pain anymore!" She was screaming now.

"Millie! I'm right here infront if you, and I'm not dead!" Sadie yelled.

She let go of Millie and cupped her cheeks, staring deep into her chocolate brown eyes, signaling her that this wasn't a dream for sure.

Millie stared back into Sadies blue eyes and realized, how much she missed looking into them. those perfect blue eyes, they could light up any room full of darkness. She let her head sink and tried to breathe normally again.
"But...i've seen it in the news..your body got pulled out of the car" She brought up her head again "you were dead"

She turned around and walked away from the confused redhead as she remembered the day her whole life changed.


Millie sat down infront of her TV.
Normally, she would've been outside by now, partying or getting drunk at the club next door but today, she didn't felt like it.
She wanted to change anyway.
Millie never talked about her alcohol and drug problems, it could ruin her good image as a film star and she was certainly glad that no one noticed till now.

She decided to just watch a bit TV before going to sleep since she had to be on set early tomorrow.
Millie would also meet her bestfriend Sadie again, she hasn't seen her in quite a few months since she was working on a new movie and Sadie was planing a TV show, Millie couldn't wait to meet her again.

So she sat there a minute, covering up in a blanket before turning on the TV and zapping through the channels.
Suddenly, a news channel chatched her eye and she put the remote down, her eyes still focused on the flickering screen while she did so.

The news were reporting about a car accident, not too far away from her.
Millie leaned forward in attempt to read the names of the person that died.

Sadie Sink

When the name flickered on the screen, her breathing stopped abruptly.
Tears were burning in her eyes and made her vision blurry.
She tried to get up but, she couldn't.
It was like something pulled her back down.

Millie started sobbing uncontrollably.
Her best friend died, and there's nothing she could've done to save her.

She was gone, forever.

With these words echoing in her head, Millie fell off the couch and cried into her carpet, rolling into a fetus position and while staying like this, she fell asleep slowly.

End of flashback

Millie was still trapped in her thoughts when Sadie put a hand on her shoulder. This made her turn around and give a smile to redhead who kindly smiled back.

"Sooooo..." Sadie broke the awkward silence that filled the room, "What did I miss? how are the others doing? how are Finn and Iri-" "wait what?" Millie fully turned around. "Finn and who?"

Sadie looked at her best friend confused before her face lit up again. Her smile was gentle and calming, it made Millie smile too each time she showed it. But right now, Millie was way too distracted by the name her best friend just said.
She felt a weird knot in her stomach.


"Finn and Iris you know, the girl he filmed that music video with years ago, they instantly clicked on set and- Millie are you okay?" Sadie looked at Millie now with a worried expression on her face.

"Wha- yeah yeah I'm fine" Millie reasurred Sadie but she knew something was wrong and she needed to find out now.

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