Moving in

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I got in mums car and she drove me to the airport I got out and printed to the door, he texted me...

'Plane just landed<3'

'Oki babe see you at the gate!' I replied.

I saw him and sprinted to him, I immaturely wiped his lips to avoid Vicky germs and I left him a soft kiss on his lips so he was left wanting more, we got outside the sun was shining.

....3 DAYS LATER....

By know Tom had completely settled in and for the first time we were going skating with some old friends of toms, he's treated me to a new personalised penny board, it's beautiful!

After a day of skating we decided to catch some waves and late night surf, so we drove of in our wetsuits and surfed till the early hours of the morning, when we loaded the boards back up In the car we weren't ready to head home so we took a walk across the beach, Tom gently picked me up into a bridal lift and passionately kissed me, he lowered me to the floor and we lay back snuggled down in the sand and watched the stars light up the sky...

As the morning neared I finally got to watch the sun rise with my boy.

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