Conflict and Camila 1

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"Hey, Ally?" Lauren spoke to me while snapping her hand in my face. "What?" I asked. She frowned at me. "Your doing it again." she explained. I give her a confused look. Not knowing what she was referred to. Then it clicked and I sighed. Damn I got caught staring at Normani again.

But I mean can you blame me! She sexy as hell and she the sweetest person I know. Plus she's been holding us all together threw our issue's with Camila.

I stood up, to get some water. We were in the dance studio, practicing for our performance. Depressed thoughts entered my head. This probably our last tour as fifth harmony. I shake my head of such thoughts and sip my water.

I look towards Mani as she practice her part from work from home.

She moved to swiftly and sexy. I tried to look away, but it was hard. It was like she's putting me in a trance. "Some one's got a crush." Dinah sings in my ear. I shudder in shock, "Dude! Would-- would you not."

She laughed, "Sorry Ally." she skipped away smirking. I shook my head she was such a child. I swallowed the rest of my water as Camila came in, she was 1 hour late.

"Sorry im late ladies, its just that my friend taylor was talking to me about some things." she explained. As if on cue, we all rolled our eyes at her. We all know she wants to leave.

"Yeah, yeah C." Normani waved Camila off, she then walked up to me. "Can you belive her ally?" I looked into her eyes and shook my head. She scoffed. "If she gonna leave I wish she do it a little faster."

I laughed. "I agree, but its gonna break our fans and the the lable gonna be on our ass." I say sadly. She looked at me with sadden eyes, I look down in shame.

"Ally look at me," I let my head down fighting tear's. She holds my chin. "Were gonna be ok Ally, I promise." she then hugged me and rubbed my back. I closed my eyes tightly hoping this would never end.

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