Forbidden love 2

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I walked out of the shower and into my room. As I entered my room I notice Amy on my bed reading a magazine. "You have your own room you know?" I say grabbing my towel tighter.

She side eyed me. "I know." she replied as she read her magazine.

I sighed. I went into my drawer and pulled out under garments, as I proceeded to put them on; sisters in the room and all I thought about Normani. "Can I talk to you about something?" I ask Amy after putting my bra and panties on.

"Is it deep?" she asked still looking over her magazine.


She puts her magazine down and she sighed. "Whats up?"

"The sky." I joked. She gave me a look. "No seriously Al, what is it?"

"How do you feel about.... Me?" I ask.

"What do you mean, your my little sister and I love you." she replied.

"No, Like how do you honestly feel about me being gay?"

"Well, it bothered me at first and I thought you were gonna go to hell cause that's what Pastor told me," she semi joked. "But now I want you to be happy and if females make you happy then I'm happy for you."

"You think I'm going to hell?"

"If you do, i'll be going right along with you.

"Mmmmm interesting ." I speak as pretend to stroke beard hair on my chin. Amy giggled.

"Ally!" Lauren called out. I smiled. "Lauren!" I smirked.

"You know I had to see you since you're going to the big city tomorrow." I laughed and went to look in the full body mirror to check my figure.

"You know you have great boobs, better than mines but I'll still go out with you Ally." Lauren joked.

I rolled my eye's. "Yeah right."

"Mmhmm I saw the way that Normani girl was looking at you." Holly smirked.

I shrugged. "I don't care." I say nonchalantly.

"Oh really? Shame cause she told me to give you her number."

"I dont-- wait what!"

"Yep! But you don't care so i'll just rip this--" she held a small piece paper in the air. "Up."

"No! I want the number." I say as I snatched the paper out her hand. Her and Amy were laughing at me.

"I knew you liked her!" she shouted. I roll my eye's. "Oh... Shut up!" I frown then went back to looking at the number... I couldn't believe it.

"I told you she liked you." Amy yelled in my face. "Say i'm right!" I just look at her and frowned. "Say it!" I continued to stare. "Say it! Say it! Say it!"

"Ok.. You were right!" I yell so she'd shut the hell up. She laughed.

"I know i'm right!" she pointed out. Holly stretched. "Ok, Ima go... I'll see you guys later."

"Call her." I looked up in confusion. "Huh?"

"Call her." Amy spoke again. I frowned. Realizing that she probably wouldn't go for me. It's probably a joke or she trying to be just friends but she probably she already know i'm gay right? Or maybe she doesn't.. Oh god--

Stop it Allyson! Get yourself together now. What was I gonna do.. Either way it would change me life for good. 

Fifth Harmony  (One shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora