Queen Bee

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Camila was beautiful, One of the most wanted girl's in school. Her smooth tan skin, medium black  hair, nice body figure and a pearly white smile.

Camila also had a clique and they were the most popular at central park boarding school. Every one was gorgeous in her group but none could compare to her.

She was walking down the hall's on her way to lunch. When she peeked through the window she saw her little minion's were already at there usual table. She smiled and chuckled in satisfaction. She walked through the door's and made her way to the table.

All the guy's were staring but Camila fliped her hair and paid them no mind. She walked up to the table. "Ladies," she greeted. Everyone focused their attention to her.

"Hey Cam." Normani smirked. Camila smiled a fake smile at her. She hated when people twist or shorten her name.

"It's Camila, not Cam, not Mila, not C. Camila." she smirked.

Normani rolled her eye's. Camila paid her no mind and sat down. Sat in between Ally and Dinah. "So, spring break coming up. Anyone excited?" Ally asked everyone. Camila was about to speak till came Ty over.

Ty was her boyfriend. He wrapped his arm's around her. She smiled. The hottest boy in school was her's and she was proud of it. "Hey babe. Hey ladies." He smiled his sexy smile then looked around the table. "Where's Hayley?" He asked raising his eyebrow. Camila rolled her eyes.

"Camila, Where's Dinah?" he asked again. Camila rolled her eye's. "Freshmen had a discipline assembly." Camila explained. Camila promised to be a friend to Hayley ; Ty's new step sister. His mom married Hayley dad. Anyway Camila promise him she look out for her and let her hang with her group.

He smile. "Oh ok." He licked his lip's. Camila couldnt  them. They broke it and looked at each other.

"Ok I'll see you later beautiful." he said giving her a quick kiss. Camila smiled as he walked away.

Ally smirked at Camila. "Omigosh." she said in shock. Camlia looked at her in question. "What?" Camila said completely clueless.

Dinah smiled. "You love him, dont you?" Camila was shocked herself. was she? No. Well mabey. she didnt really know what it felt like to be in love exactly.

Camila silent. "Guy's she quiet, that's a sign." Lauren chimed in. Camila was flushed with embarrassment. "Awww, she blushing. Another sign,"

Camila looked at Normani for help; she shrugged.

"Listen im not on trail here, ok. You guy's need to mind your own damn bussiness and worry about the dick yall dont get. Not worry about my love life." Camila snapped. Everyone got quiet.

George rolled her eye's. Callie get's up to get her lunch. A chicken salad with Italian dressing and a passion fruit smoothie.

After school was over Callie went to her dorm room. Her roommate Josie wasn't there. She sighed and jumped on her bed. She heard a knock. "Come in." she called out.

In came Hayley. "Hey Camila." she cheesed. Camlia couldn't lie Hayley  was a very pretty girl with long blonde hair and blue eye's. "Hey. What's up?" Camila faked smiled.

"I just wanted to ask have you seen Ty?" she asked. Camlia smiled at the sound of his name. "Uh, Not since lunch. Why?" Camila replied.

"Oh.. We were suppose to go out to dinner." she smiled. "Well sorry havent seen him." Camlia spoke. Oh ok." Hayley smiled then skiped out the room. While Normani came in.
"Someone's in a good mood." Normani mumbled then took her attention to Camlia. "Hey we still going to that party tonight?" Normani  asked while taking a sit next to Camlia. "Of course girly!" she giggled. Normani looked as if she wanted to speak but was hesitant.

"Is somthing wrong Mani?" Camila asked. Mani looked at her with anger. "Well you know the guy Lauren has been hanging with latley."

"Yeah, Shawn right?" She  nodded. "Well last night they slept together and he dumped her today."

Camila frowned. "Ok? Couples break up all the time." she shrugged. Normani shook her head. "He told her he just wanted to get in her pant's and he didn't think it would be that easy to get into them!" She yelled getting more upset.

Camila was shocked. "Really?"

Mani nodded. "Well then let's go teach him that prick a lesson." Camila smirked.

The girl's both had a evil grin. George smiled. "You know there in tbe gym right now." She suggested.

"Let's go."

She  marched to the gym where the guy's were doing basketball practice, with Normani, Dinah and Lauren behind her. George smiling in amusement for what was about to go down and Lauren in  embarrassment trying to plead with Camila to let it go.

"Please! Im over it!" she pleaded. Camila ignored her and made her way through the door. She continued to walk to the other side of the court where the boy's were. Before she got to Shawn, Tybcame up to her. "Hey babe, what's up? You came to give me kiss." he smirked. Camila smiled and chuckled. George rolled her eye's and tapped "We didn't come here to flirt." Normani spoke. Callie snaped back to reality. "No I came to speak with Menendez." she told Ty as she walked up to Harold.

"Hey asshole. You think it's ok to have sex with someone then dump them. Im surprised she let you sleep with her seeing you gave a STD to Kylie Jenner! You infected pig. How dare you break her heart." Camila snapped.

He becane pissed as she expected. All of the team members were laughing and enjoying the show. "I never gave anyone anything! And I was just honest I wanted to hit and that's it." he snapped.

Gorege shook her head. "If you think just because you honest make's it better, your wrong. Being honest doesn't make it ok."
Dinah  snapped.

Shawn  looked at Lauren. "Could you please call your bull dog's off."

"Aye! Watch who your talking to!" Ty snapped getting up in shawn's face. Camila gently pulled him back. "No it's ok." she smile's.

She looked at him and shook her head. "You just got on our bad side, a place no one wants to be! And I feel sorry for you." she said clamly while smirking. He titled his head and frowned. "Why? What you got up your sleeve" he questioned.

"Oh you'll see." She chuckled. They walked out. Lauren looked at him and shook her head and mouthed "sorry" then left.

"Camila? Camila?" Lauren called out to her while she tried to catch up. "What?" she snapped. Lyriq frowned. "What did you do!?" she asked. Camila rolled her eye's. "Does it matter? The asshole has what's coming to him, ok. Why do you care so much?" She looked at Gorege they knew exactly what was up; Lolo had feeling's for him. "Dont tell me you actually have feelings for him!" Normani  asked.

Lolo looked away. "Omigosh she does! Don't tell me your that desperate!" Camila said with shock.

Lolo started to cry and ran down the hall.

Camila shrugged it off. Gorege mugged her. "Really?" Normani said shaking her head chasing after her. Lauren.


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