Tears break loose

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I'm in third grade my body is changing my butt and chest got bigger am I fat what's going on with my body  I cry in my head.
   My bod grew, I remember riding the day care bus from school and one of my boob was poking out next thing I heard was the white girls setting on my row of the van say ewwww I looked down and fixed my shirt and they scooted far away from me while my eyes started watering up. I stopped eating because I thought I was getting fat, I thought if I stop eating a lot my chest would go away all the white girls were skinny they had no butt no thighs no calves and no chest but one girl which was they best friend and I wanted to be skinny like them so I could fit in.

Almost the  ending of third grade my teacher wanted  to have a pool party so gave us all inventions I seen my black best friend and hugged her because I knew today was gonna be fun I seen my teacher too and waved.
She had a whole bunch of ice cream and sat it outside so it could melt a little.
Few minutes later a boy came up to me and said I can see your butt and I got so sad because I'm trying to get rid of it I looked around at everyone they had no chest and no but no thighs and no calves I got so angry at the boy I couldn't talk. Then my teacher whipped out the ice cream handing us all one and it was hot but I didn't want to eat it, because I was scared I was gonna get fatter but my best friend told me don't worry just eat it I think your body is perfect me and her body was similar but she did not have boobs but her compliment made me comfortable again.
I finally told her about me moving and she gave me half of her best friend bracelet and cried.

Once I got home to my mom I told her about what happened on the van and what happened at the pool. "Time to get you a brah"she said and not to worry about the other girl they are just mad about your natural curves at the time I didn't know what natural curves where so I just said okay.

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