The tuching begins

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It was time for gym and I was so happy to get away from everyone. in gym we have play ground a field and basketball courts. I loved going to the swing set being able to feel the wind against my face and being high in the sky made me feel like I was away from everyone untill these two girls came up to me one was Hispanic looking and the other was the brown girl with the two braided pig tails they both came up to me stopped the swing and said get off and I said no I'm on. after that I said leave me alone and back up in the swing as like I was standing, then the other girl pushed me and hold my arms down so I would not be able to hit the other girl back but I tried my best to. I let them have the swings and took off crying and running ready to hurt myself I hid and it was time to return back to my class but I went up to the office and told them what happened and the whole class got yelled at by a lady named mrs.perry she helped me out a lot. I was so ashamed to go back to class so I kept my head down and I kept it down till I got home I was happy. I began to mope and keep my head down so much a hunk in my neck started forming,but I ended that real quick I started working out and everything to make myself happy,and wearing weave or my natural curly hair. this look did not end the bullying but I did make friends and started feeling comfortable the Hispanic girl who bullied me became my friend and the other black girl was getting bullied by some other girl and I did not feel bad for her either.
Ending 3rd grade was the happiest day of my life but I almost got retained so I went to summer school and gained more friends. I was being bullied so much I could not do my work without crying I could not control the tears anymore.

Being Bullied to a Baddie Where stories live. Discover now