Instagram drama

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I've been living in this neighborhood for 2 years now I have been friends with this girl vinshia a long time me and her were good friends untill her and my other friend Hannah became friends they shared clothes they did everything together I was out of the picture. She put Hannah name in her bio and vinshia put her name in her bio like the smallest things can hurt someone. I didn't want to ruin they friendship  so I got myself out the picture for they and made new friends I hung out with a girl named CeCe,nyalee,and francelise I love them to death Everytime Im with them I'm happy when I'm with them it's a bunch of drama which lead to a fight.
My friend vinshia was going through a lot he said she hated God so I told her I can't be her friend anymore because I'm not about that devil worshipping shit. She kept telling me she loves the devil and being weird she don't like my friend nyalee so she was mad at me already for hanging out with her but idc because nyalee makes me happy. Few moments later I bump into Hannah she asks me if I seen vinshia and I said yeah why, she told me she was hiding from her cuz she don't like her anymore.Calling her weird and everything. I asked her ain't y'all best friends and she said no your my best friend I rolled my eyes and made a excuse to leave.

Days later I receive a text on Instagram vinshia is mad and want to fight because I don't want to be her friend and I said ok we can fight when ever you ready,I been stop talking because I already knew I was gonna win and I have better things to do.

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