Everything gets better

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I made it to fourth grade I have new friends and everything I am way comfortable too. I got in my second fight with this white girl she threw a ball at me because the boy told her too. I said do it again and see what happens, she did it again and idk all my anger from being bullied build up and I faught her I could not stop because me and her were friends untill the day she wanted to look cool in front of them boys. I looked at the girl face she had blood on her white shirt her eye was messed up. I did not want to look at her anymore because I did that.
5th grade I was ready to get out that school because the dark skin boy kept on bullying me and when the school did end this nigga failed almost everyone that bullied me failed and I couldn't help but laugh.

Being Bullied to a Baddie Where stories live. Discover now