The fight

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Me and my friends were at the pool enjoying our time then guess who walks up vinshia and Hannah 🤔 wait a minute wasn't you just talking shit about her behind her back the other day saying how you don't like her and I had to excuse myself away from you but anyways me and my friends got out the pool to see what was going on and she swinged on me and I bet she regret doing that because I swinged back three times harder dropping her head to the ground the fight did not last that long but she had knots on her head and blood I told myself this is the new me I'm not gonna let nobody walk over me no more idc who you are. Next day we received a note on the door saying that we was getting kicked out so was the other girl but my mom did not care because we was already in the moving process but she was still mad at me for fighting at the pool. I came to school the next day everyone was cheering me on I don't know how they knew but they knew 🤷
And I did not get to finish school but I'm going to 10th grade.
We had moved to another house and I like it better than the other place it's quiet clean,bigger pool,etc.
I just need my friends and everything would be normal

To be continued

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