Moving Again 🤷

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Yup we are moving again my mom found a better job and wants to go to college to get a even better spot in her job.
Jacksonville FL is gorgeous in the downtown area but I'm on the other side of the bridge my new school is called Baldwin I'm now in 8th grade I met these twin girls JoJo and jaida I loved them to death at first I was friends with this girl name Katrina she was bullied a lot so I stood up for her this light skin girl came up to her asking her questions about a boy trying to embarrassed her and I seen the boy grossed out, so I told the light skin girl to leave her alone and stop doing her like that she got all mad and shit so we took it outside this fight was intense I was ready to kill a bitch so I grabbed a brick ready to break her teeth with it because she was talking mad shit about my gap, I put the brick down once I seen the teacher. I was ready to fight but her friends would not let go of her. Don't run up on someone when you not gonna hit them that's stupid and her two lil skinny friends holding her back I'm sure if she can't break lose with her two friends what make her think she can fight me 😂
Shit I weighed 160,I was a big girl but me and the girl became distance because we did not get to know each other that well the year passed on.
Now I'm in 9th finally I'm ready I came prepared to fight a bitch I made new friends and everything nobody tried me at school but in my neighborhood hmmmm

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