Chapter 1

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"Oh my gosh, not another zit!" I said squeezing my zit hoping it would pop... yeah, I know disgusting, but today is the first day of school. I have to look perfect. No zits, no ugly clothes, and no bad hair. I had on this white expensive blouse with these designer jeans. I knew I was gonna look the best. I ran downstairs and saw breakfast laid out on the kitchen table. I read the note my mother left me

Hey honey, I had to take Bryan to school. I cooked breakfast before I left, Eat up before you go to school.

Love Mom

I don't know why but I laughed at the note, I only ate a piece of toast, grabbed my designer bag and headed out the front door. I never rode the bus, I'm too good to ride the school bus.

I got into my car then drove to school, once I got to school, I ran into the building and got my schedule. I had a lady named Mrs. Johnson first... ugh she teaches health class. I walked to the classroom and to my surprise a lot of the student were already there, I felt awkward because ALL eyes were on me. I must have got to school later than I thought.

"Ahh you must be Charity welcome to my class sit where you like." Mrs. Johnson said with a smile. I sat next to this random kids since none of my friends were in this class. The teacher started giving her lecture. I heard laughing coming from behind me.

I turned around to see who was laughing and I saw Brady... The schools bully/jerk. Everyone in this school acts like they're scared of him. I heard that he does drugs and is in a gang. I turned back around so he wouldn't see that I was looking at him. I started fixing my hair.

"I thought this was school not a fashion show." Brady says to his friend Cameron sitting beside him, well more like sidekick. I turned back around.

"Excuse me?" I said with a little bit of attitude. He arched his eyebrow and looked at me as if I just said I killed his mom.

"You're trying way too hard." He said with this smirk. I was so sick of him bullying everyone in this school, he once made my best friend cry. I wasn't gonna let him get away with it this time.

"And by the looks of your outfit you're not trying at all." I said. The whole classroom got quiet, I guess everyone heard me discussing the toughest and meanest guy in school. Yeah me the rich girl from the east side. I looked at Brady and I see amusement in his eyes, I couldn't seem to figure out what he thought was so amusing. I knew it probably wouldn't be amusing to me..

"You are so pathetic, you try way too hard to be perfect, I can't wait until everyone in school see you for what you really are." He said looking me up and down. The whole classroom gasped... haha how dramatic.

"Like your better you act like this wanna be thug or something. Learn how to treat a girl!!" I said. I would be lying If I said he didn't scare me a little bit. I can't believe I'm getting into a fight on the first day of school this is not like me.

"I'm so sorry baby. What was I thinking talking to you like that? Baby wanna come to my house later so I can show how sorry I am." He said in this sarcastic tone. I shivered at the thought of being in his house, I would be scared to be alone with him. At least in this classroom there is witnesses.

"You're sorry alright." I said and turn back around and looked into my handbag to find my make up kit. I was done fighting with him, It wasn't worth my reputation.

"And you're a bitch." He said... It seemed like the whole classroom froze. My jaw dropped. I have never been called that in my entire life. I turned back around to look at him and I saw him have this evil grin, we both stared at each other liked we both wanted to kill each other...

This was gonna be a LONG year.

Sorry it's short

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