Chapter 6

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30 minutes later from the last chapter....

"WOAH I can see the stars and the moon." I slurred. I was wobbling all over the place, I was tripping over random stuff, I was running over people. I was a mess.

"Were indoors." Brady said.

"We are? I thought we were on a playground." I said.

"Haha What the hell? You can't be that drunk Charity." He said cracking up.

"Speaking of drunk. I need some more beer. I said handing him my cup to refill it.

"No way. You're drunk enough." He said

"Don't tell me what I am. I said - I want another drink and you're gonna get it for me right now." I said getting mad.

"And if I don't?"He said not backing down.

"I'm gonna slap you." I said raising my hand.

"Go ahead and do it. I dare you." He said challenging me. I paused for a moment, I knew he was drunk but I don't think he would let me get away with slapping him.

"No." I said.

"I knew you didn't have the balls." He said.

"I always knew you didn't have any." I said.

"HAHA very funny." He said sarcastically.

"I always knew I should be a comedian." I said.

"Yea whatever." He said. I started to get loss in my thoughts. I wanted to know why Jason and Kasey didn't show up. She acted like she wanted me to come so bad and that Jason wanted me to come also.

"What's wrong?" Brady asked

"Nothing, I just can't believe that Kasey didn't show up. She seemed more happy to go than me. This all just doesn't make sense. Then she said Jason wanted me to come but they both didn't show up." I said.

"Sounds like a personal problem." He said not even caring what I had to say.

"Come on Brady if you was in my situation. What would you do?" I asked

"Drink some more." He said.

"NO! No more drinking. Help me out here... please?" I said giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Haha okay. So you said that Kasey told you to come right?" He said.

"Yeah well she asked me if I were coming and when I said no she said that Jason was coming to try to convince me to come." I said.

"Well it worked, But none of them showed up... hmmm... that's strange." He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Maybe they're hooking up." He said. I froze, Kasey will not do that to me. She knows how much I like him.

"No Kasey would not do something like that. Jason wouldn't either." I said not wanting to believe him.

"Well you asked me what I thought and I told you." He said. I couldn't deal with anymore of Brady's lies. He just wanted me to lose one of my richest and bestest friend.

I started walking off and ignored Brady calling my name. I found Jonathan, He was standing there talking to this girl, she kinda looked like a dork. I tapped him on his shoulder.

"Take me home."

"Don't you see I'm busy here." He said stating the obvious

"Listen Jonathan I have been drinking all night. I'm not gonna drive me car. I NEED a ride to my house NOW." I demanded.

"Ok ok chill. I'll be right there." He said. He gave the girl a kiss on the cheek then headed outdoors with me. While Jonathan was unlocking the door to his car I heard someone calling me.

It was Brady.

"You're leaving already? "He asked sounding out of breath.

"Yeah, I'm going home." I said.

"And do what? Go to bed? " He said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just going home, don't worry about the rest." I said.

"Oh I forgot you were a Barbie. You don't do anything exciting. You do what people tell you to do." He said.

"Stop calling me Barbie. I'm not like her." I said.

"Let me see. You always wear these fancy ass clothes, always has this fake smile on your face to please others, and you do what other people tell or make you do." He said insulting me.

"No I don't. I do what I want to do. And I smile because I'm happy not to please others." I said.

"Wait. I didn't say I was finish." He said smirking.

"What else."

"You wanna know what is the biggest similarity between you and Barbie?" He said.

"Go ahead and tell me." I said getting a little curious.

"You are both fake." He said.

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