Chapter 10

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I cried and cried. Tears just ran down my cheeks, I tried to keep wiping them away but it didn't work. Brady ruined everything. He ruined my whole reputation. I hate that fucking piece of trash. I looked on my Facebook and saw everyone talking about what happened at school today. Some girls called me a slut, some said they felt bad for me.

"Charity!! Come downstairs right now." I heard my mom yell. I got scared. I walked slowly down the steps. I saw the look on my mother's face, it did not look happy at all.

"Yes mother?" I asked.

"Explain to me. Why is a picture of my daughter's butt being sent to my co-workers?" She said still sounding angry.

"Oh my gosh. They have it too? I'm so so sorry mom. There's this boy at school who hates me and he sent that to everyone." I cried.

"Oh? If he hates you why would you let him take a picture of your backside." She asked not buying my story.

"Mother, I promise you I do not know. I think he might have taken it while I was drunk. I'm sorry mom, I promise I will make it up to you." I pleaded.

"You got drunk? I have never been so disappointed in you. You are going to private school." She said.

"No... no mom please. I don't wanna go back to private school." I cried even harder.

"Get your coat. We are going to confront this young boy who sent these photos. What is his name?" She asked then grabbed her keys.

"His name is Brady. He lives in Kamver." I said in disgust.

"Kamver? Ugh no wonder he does things like this. Let's go. I bet one of my co-workers know what this Brady boy address is." She said. We both got into the car and then drove off.


15 Minutes Later

It turns out that one of my mom's co-workers was Brady's cousin. She found out his address, then she put it into the GPS system. It led us to his house. Once we got in front of his house my mom's face scrunched up in disgust. The house looked like the size of our pool house. We both got off the car and went to his doorstep. My mom knocked on the door. Seconds later an old lady opened the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked looking very fragile.

"Uhh. Does a young boy name Brady live here?" She asked.

"Oh yes! That is my grandson. Come inside." She said with a smile. Me and my mom both walked in their house. It was very tiny, it looked to be about a two bedroom.

"Brady!! Come downstairs, you have guests." She yelled out to him.

"I'm coming." Brady came into the living room. His face was priceless when he saw me and my mom there.

"What do you want?" He asked looking at me.

"Brady that's no way of talking to guests." His grandmom hit him on his shoulder.

"Owww, okay, okay." He complained like a little girl. This is a whole different side of Brady.

"Would you guys like anything to drink?" She offered. My throat was a little dry.

"Yes please." I said politely.

"Brady go and get this young lady something to drink." She told him. Brady looked annoyed.


"WAIT! I'll go with you." I said to Brady. I do not trust Brady getting me a drink. He might put poison in it. We both walked into the kitchen together.

"Why are you here?" He asked with his face frowned up.

"I came over here to say hello." I smiled.

"You don't need to be at my house. Go home." He demanded.

"I'm not going anywhere. You ruined my life and I'm going to ruin yours." I snapped. He pushed me against the wall. Not hard though.

"Listen here, you need to go home now." I looked into his eyes and saw so much anger but also saw some sadness in them too. I felt bad for him even though he had me against the wall.

"Not until you promise to apologize to me in front of the whole school for sending that picture." I started to feel sorry for myself.

"No, I'm not apologizing for nothing. I think everyone in the school enjoyed that sexy picture of you." He said with a grin. I scrunched my face up in disgust. Is he serious?

"You scumbag! I could sue you for sending that picture of me!!" I yelled with tears threatening to come out of my eyes.

"Go ahead, there's nothing else you can take away from me that isn't already gone." He said. His face looked so sad. I felt really bad. What did he mean? He has to have something.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"Doesn't matter anymore... just leave." He said then looked away from me.

"Brady... If you tell me what you meant. I promise to leave you alone forever." I replied.

"I'll do anything for you to leave me alone. I guess I will tell you. Well, basically my mom and dad were killed. That's all bye now." He rushed. I could tell this is something he didn't want to talk about.

"Wait? What? How? When?" I thought about all the times I was mean to him. I felt so bad for him. I was also shocked that he lost both of his parents.

"Too many questions." He said.

"I'm sorry. But just one more question Brady."


"Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you? You hate me the first time we met."

"I have heard about you a lot. I see how stuck up you are. You act like you got this perfect life. You have money, parents and friends. But yet you still complain about everything. I have nothing... yet you never see me complaining. I want you to see how it's like to have no one. You could never live in my shoes. My parents died when I was 10 years old, leaving me to live with my sick grandmother. I never had anything handed to me on a silver platter. "He looked like he was about to cry. I was about to cry too. I now knew why Brady acted this way. I finally see why he hated me, if I were him I would hate me too.

"I'm sorry Brady. I didn't know. My heart goes out to you. Your mom and dad are still watching over you. I bet she's proud you are watching over your grandma."

"Just go home and never come back."

No Brady. Rather you want to admit or not you need someone right now." I comforted him. I looked at his face and saw tears coming down his eyes. I reached my arms out to him, telling him I wanted to give a hug. I was surprised when he went into my arms. Who would have thought me and Brady would be hugging in his kitchen. He laid his head on my shoulder. As we hugged I didn't see the mean, evil and vile Brady. I saw a boy who is in so much pain and needs a friend.

I felt closer to him...

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