The Middle

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You look down at the dirt below you, the rain making the ground beneath you damp. You watched as the Stark brothers practiced their archery skills. Jon sat beside you, staying back to watch his brothers.

Jon had been a good friend of yours since childhood. When you were a child, Winterfell and (House Name) were close allies. Your two Houses were so close, both Houses seemed to function as one.

"(Y/N)! Did you see what I did?" Bran ran up to you, a smile on his face. You looked up to see an arrow stuck right in the middle of the target. Bran's bow was at his side as he looked at you and Jon expectantly.

"Very nice, Bran." You smile and look at Jon.

"Yes, keep up the good work." Jon smiles as he notices you glancing at him.

*time skip*

You and Jon walked down an empty corridor. You stopped at a window that overlooked a section of Winterfell. Jon watched you as you walked to the window. You forgot Jon was with you for a mere second before he was next to you, admiring the view of Winterfell as well. He turned to look at you and you looked over at him.

His brows furrowed as he looked into your (E/C) eyes. You had a feeling something was wrong. Closing the space between you two, you spoke,

"Jon. What troubles you?" You put your hand on the windowsill.

"I am going to the Wall, (Y/N). I am joining the Knight's Watch."

You felt your heart sink.

"When?" Your voice caught in your throat.

"A few months. I wanted to tell you first." Jon looked down, grabbing your hand on the windowsill.

You look at your hands. Your bare fingers intertwined with his gloved ones. Jon's grip tightened slightly on your hand.

"Why tell me first, and not Robb or Bran. Or your father?" Your voice rose in volume. Tears were on the brink of falling down your face.

"Because you are important to me. Why else?" Jon sounded confused.

You couldn't say anything; you didn't know what to say. You just looked down at your hands, your (H/C) hair falling into your face gently. Jon waited a moment, examining you before moving the hair behind your ear. You turned to look at him, a smile on his face.

"You are the most important thing in this land." Jon's voice dipped to a low volume, a certain sense of longing in his voice.

You smiled and blushed, the color rising to your (S/C) skin. Silence followed your smile, only to be broken by footsteps. Jon turned to see Robb, who was walking quickly down the hallway.

"(Y/N)! Jon! Where did you go off to?" Robb didn't seem to notice the two of you quite yet.

Jon gave you an apologetic smile as he walked to Robb. Once Robb noticed the both of you,his face lit up with joy.

"(Y/N), it is wonderful to see you!" His smile grew wider with each step he took.

You looked over at Jon, who seemed irritated. A fire seemed to burn in his eyes, seeing how happy Robb was to see you. You knew Robb declared his love to you in his silence, but you never said anything.

"The pleasure is mind, My Lord." You force a smile and bow your head. When you look up, Jon is gone and Robb is in front of you.

"Would you like to take a walk, (Y/N)?" Rob offered his arm to you.

You smiled and bit your lip, "I was actually supposed to meet Jon in the courtyard, but a quick walk will do no harm."

You didn't want to hurt Robb, but you also wanted to be with Jon.

"Well, if you must go see Jon, we can go for a walk tomorrow's eve." Rob smiled hopefully at you.

"We can go now, for a short while." You take his arm as he leads you down the corridor.

*time skip*

The walk was quick, you walked in the courtyard, through a few corridors, and ended at your chamber. You let go of Robb's arm, smiling at him.

"Thank you for your company, (Y/N)." Robb smiled at you once again.

"It was lovely." You begin to open the door to your chamber when Robb walks away.

You enter your chamber, your (H/C), (H/L) hair falling in front of your face once again. You look down and move your hair out of your face. When you look up, you see Jon Snow in the middle of your chamber. You gasp, startled.

"Jon!" Your hand finds its way to your chest.

"(Y/N)." Jon's voice was monotone.

"What troubled you?" You walk over to Jon quickly. You place your hand on his arm. He flinched his arm away as soon as you place your hand on his arm.

"I thought I was wrong about you, (Y/N). I thought you loved me. You love Robb." Jon's voice cracked a tiny bit.

"I don't understand."

"You were supposed to walk with me in the courtyard. You went for a walk with Robb."

"Yes, I know. But I am also not late for our walk. I do not love Robb. He is a brother to me." Your tone of voice goes serious.

"Who do you love, if not Robb or I?" Jon sat down at your table, rubbing his hands together.

"How blind can you be? I love you."

"You love me?" Jon looks up at you, surprised.

"Yes. I do, Jon Snow. I love you." You look directly into his eyes.

A look of sorrow appears on Jon's face. You sit down next to him and take his hand in yours. He intertwined his fingers with yours once again. He brings your hand to his mouth and kisses it,

"I, Jon Snow, declare my love to (F/N) (L/N)." Jon smiles at you and you smile at him.

Word Count: 1005

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