Don't Be Scared (Requested)

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Fear and adrenaline rushed through your veins as your feet hit the ground with each step. You didn't dare look back at the lush yet dark forest behind you. You were terrified of what was in those parts of the forest; but more importantly, you were terrified of who was in the forest.

White Walkers hadn't been around for thousands of years, but you heard the rumors from Jon and Lord Stark. You heard that the White Walkers are returning, as well as the uprising of the Wildlings. Something was different in Westeros and you knew it. The North and the South had already been at war, and you were conflicted by the war. You were born a Baratheon, but you ran from home and fled to Winterfell to seek shelter. You hated your home in the South. You hated the heat. You found comfort in the cold, dead nights; when the air wouldn't move a single flag or banner.

*begin flashback*

Late one night, when the air was thick and everyone was asleep, you fled your home and left for Winterfell, not stopping to think about the consequences of running away or the price on your head for betraying your own family. You packed a few simple objects into a cloth and stuffed it into your pockets. You took your fur that was made for you as a Name's Day gift from the Lannister's. What you brought wasn't nearly enough for the rough trip you had ahead of you. Hell, you were going to the North. What good would a loaf of bread, a journal, your special dagger, a feather, and some ink do you? The loaf of bread would be gone by morning, and you were sure you would get more food somehow. But you could just hurry to Winterfell, right?

Wrong. Winterfell was at least a 3-day ride from your home, without taking into account the various creatures that lurked on the paths and the fact that a price would be held on your head just for leaving. People would be out looking for you, so you needed to stay out of sight.

*end flashback*

You looked behind you; nothing. You looked all around you, snow fell onto the already frozen ground. The dead trees made a brash contrast to the white of the snow. The air burned your lips with every shaky breath you took. Walking through the thick forests of Winterfell was quite terrifying in the late evening.

The sun was starting to set and you knew you wouldn't make it home to your lover, Jon Snow. You knew you shouldn't go back. You made a mistake that couldn't be fixed. Your mistake would live to haunt you forever if you didn't leave Winterfell at once.

Fuckin' hell, it's cold. You thought to yourself. Your body shivered as you continued to walk.

Snow crunched beneath your feet with every step. But that's not the only sound you heard. You heard the screams of Wildlings all around you. It was getting dark, and you knew you were in danger. Quickly, you dug a hole in the snow, directly below a tree and kept digging until you made an adequate-sized hole for yourself to sleep in. Funny, a hole in the ground isn't where a lady should be sleeping. A lady shouldn't be running from her home, yet again, as well. A proper lady would know better than to run from her problems. 

Despite the fact that you weren't born a Stark, you felt their blood running through your veins. You felt alive and at home in Winterfell. Feeling alive and at home in Winterfell was a lot better than feeling trapped in the heat of the South. 

Stop that thinking right now. You thought to yourself. You didn't need to think about the South or your old home. You needed to focus on surviving the night surrounded by Wildlings. You needed to focus on where you'd go next. You had no idea where to go. Jon joined the Night's Watch. You couldn't go further north. Maybe you could build a hut for yourself in the forests of Winterfell? No. That wouldn't work. The Wildlings would get to you faster than a Direwolf eating a pound of old meat. You had nowhere to go. 

Night came faster than you expected, but at least you had a place to sleep for the night. At least you were safe for the night. The night was colder than the day in the North. The ground froze over, sending the cold straight to your bones. You shivered as you hugged yourself for warmth. 

*time skip*

Morning finally came, after what seemed like an endless night. The yells and cries of the Wildlings and various animals in the forest haunted you all through the night. You thought you would never see the light of day again. Yet you made it. You made it through the night; in a hole in the ground. 

You yawned as you tried to keep yourself awake. You quickly picked up on a faint noise outside your hole. The noise began to get louder. It sounded like footsteps. 

"Who could be all the way out here in the morning?" You whisper to yourself. As soon as you realized that you spoke, you quickly covered your mouth. 

You removed your hand once things were silent again. Unfortunately, it wasn't silent for too long. 

"(Y/N)!" You heard Jon's voice echo. 

Could you be imagining his voice? He couldn't be here. He was all the way at the Wall. The Wall was quite north compared to Winterfell. 

"(Y/N)!" You heard his voice again, this time closer and louder.

You couldn't help but cry. You couldn't tell him why you had left. It would ruin your relationship with your beloved Jon Snow. 

You heard footsteps right outside of your hole. You covered your mouth with both of your hands to prevent yourself from making even the smallest of squeaks. Your breathing was shallow and you were starving. Your stomach grumbled and you felt sick to your stomach. You were starving. You hadn't eaten since the previous morning when you fled Winterfell. 

The footsteps came closer. A pair of boots was the only view you had of Jon. You knew it was him. You recognized the boots he was wearing. You had gotten them made for him on his Name's Day. 

"(Y/N), don't be scared. I know you're in there." Jon's voice was sweet; like a bird's song in the Spring.

Jon crouched down and looked at you. His nose was red, he must have been out all night looking for you. But that couldn't be; he was at the Wall. You didn't hear about him returning to Winterfell. He extended his hand out to you. Your shaking hands took his and he helped you out of your hole. 

"What are you doing here?" You stuttered as you shivered. 

Jon removed his large fur from his back and put it on you, wrapping you up and picking you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked at him. 

"I came back. Robb sent a raven to the Wall. He told me you left. Nobody has any idea why you left."

"I can't tell you why, Jon...." You look down at the ground, which was stained with the blood of slain Wildlings.

"You can tell me." Jon's face was stern and his voice was gruff and he sounded tired.

"I left because I was ashamed." Jon set you down once he reached his horse. 

"You should never be ashamed." Jon took your hands in his and looked you in the eyes.

You still couldn't tell him, so you decided to show him. You took one of his hands and placed it on your stomach. You looked him in the eyes, tears threatening to spill.

"You- you're pregnant?" Jon sounded surprised.

You nodded and tears began to fell.

"Who's is it?" Jon sounded a bit upset. 

"Yours. It's yours." You mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper. 

Jon's demeanor immediately changed once you said it was his. His face lit up with joy and he embraced you in a giant bear hug. Once he let go, he grabbed your face with his hands and kissed you deeply. A few moments went by when you finally broke apart.

"Wonderful. That is just wonderful. We must go back at once." A smile was still plastered on his face when you were picked up and set on his horse. He got on after you and rode into Winterfell. 

Word Count: 1421

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating as quickly as the other one-shots!! I've been super busy and sick. I promise more one-shots are coming your way! Remember to request a story if you'd like. Vote, comment, and I hope you enjoyed this nice one-shot. :)

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