I Can't Help Falling in Love With You

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A/N: Modern AU

"Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you."

"(Y/N) got ready for a night out on the town with her friends. It was going to be a wild night- snow was just beginning to fall lightly on the ground and the chill in the air was sent right to the bones. The smell of fireplaces going filled her nose and the aroma was intoxicating. She felt like a million dollars as she left her house. Greeted by her friends waiting in the car, she got in and they all left to go to the club.

(Y/N) noticed the lights of the club lit up the dark night sky brilliantly. She was amazed by the bright lights coming from the club. Something in the air felt different tonight as she stepped out of the car. She pushed her (F/C) dress further down her legs to keep her as warm as possible before getting in line to enter the club. A few minutes pass as her friends chat when she looks around the line to see if she can find anyone else she knows. She couldn't find anybody else that she knew, but one person stood out to her for some unknown reason. His eyes were hypnotizing and his mane of luscious, dark hair had her weak at the knees. Luckily, the handsome stranger didn't notice her staring at him for too long. She kept his face in the back of her mind as she returned to her friends once more.

"So, (Y/N). I see that you're staring at a certain someone, " One of her friends pointed out.

"Y-yeah, so?" (Y/N) stutters, trying not to seem embarrassed that she got caught staring.

"Well tall, dark, and handsome has been checking you out when you weren't looking so someone likes what they see." her friend continued.

After what seemed like an eternity, the line got shorter and everyone got to enter the club. The music playing filled (Y/N)'s head- she could feel the beat in her body. Not bothering to go immediately to the dance floor, (Y/N) went to the bar to get a round of drinks for her friends. As she waited for the order, the mysterious man walked to the bar and took a seat next to her. He tried not to stare at her, but her beauty was captivating. She was the most beautiful girl he's seen in a long time. Her (H/C) hair reached to the middle of her back. Her smile drove him insane. Her (E/C) eyes pierced into his soul like daggers.  Neither of them said a word, but the both of them wanted to speak to each other. There was a tension in the air that was almost thick enough to cut with a knife.

He thought that she didn't notice him staring at her, but his gaze burned into her soul. It left a mark that she noticed quite easily. As soon as she knew it, the drinks came and she left to go be with her friends once again. She was so close to the handsome stranger. She wanted anything but to return to her friends. If only she could stay for a little while longer. It would make her night just a little bit better. Or so she thought. She had no idea what was about to happen later on that night.

As she was walking back to her friends, her thoughts stayed on the handsome stranger. She weaved through the maze of sweaty, drunk- possibly high- bodies. She felt a hand grab the arm that carried the drinks. She stopped in her steps and turned around to be greeted by the handsome stranger. She could have sworn her heart stopped for a split second. 

"May I help you with that?" His voice was deep. His face stern as he spoke. 

"Y-y..." Was all she could say. She was so struck with surprise that she couldn't manage to form actual words; just nonsensical mutters.

The handsome stranger didn't understand what was going on, instead, he just took the tray of drinks from her and waited for her to regain human function.

"Jon." The handsome stranger smiled at her.

"(Y/N)." She returned the smile. She lead Jon to her friends. Jon set the drinks down and took a sip of his drink as well. When the girls all took their drinks, he pulled (Y/N) aside and asked her if she would like to dance.

(Y/N) didn't know how to respond, so she looked down and smiled, "I don't dance. I'm here for the drinks!" She looked a bit embarrassed. Maybe she didn't know how to dance? Maybe she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of someone she was so captivated by.

Jon laughed at (Y/N)'s "joke". In his mind, he didn't want to screw things up with such a beautiful girl. "Well, if you don't dance you must let me buy you a drink after this one." Jon lifted his glass up and smiled at (Y/N) once again.

(Y/N) simply blushed. She couldn't turn a drink down from him!

"That sounds lovely!" (Y/N) shouted over the music. She noticed the music was getting louder. This must be the time of the night where the club is reaching its peak. She looked down at her watch- it read 9:23 P.M.. The club hadn't been open for too long. The night was young and she was willing to at least have some fun. Who knew, maybe in a few drinks she'd be more willing to dance with Jon."

"No! Stop right there!" You laughed as your friend wrote out your fantasies about your favorite character.

"Why? It'll be fun if I continue the rest!" Your friend tried to convince you to let her write more for you, but you were too embarassed.

You reached over to the keyboard, selected all the text and deleted it so nobody could read your secret fantasies. 

Hey guys, sorry that one-shot kinda sucked. But here ya go! I hope you enjoyed it! Remember you can request if you want something written for you :)

I love you all!


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