From Fangirl to Royalty

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the 1.1k reads! I love you all! ❤️

Tonight is just like any other night. You pop a bowl of popcorn, plop down on your bed, and watch Game of Thrones. 

You pick up your remote and press play, the theme song begins to fill your head. Three episodes into your night, you begin to feel sleepy, so you decide that you'll just listen to the t.v. and rest your eyes for a few minutes. Little did you know, this would be the last time you'd fall asleep in the comfort of your warm bed.  

When you wake up, you feel cold immediately. 

"God damn it's cold." You shiver and try to pull the blankets higher. You feel around for your blankets, but you don't feel them. Your eyes shoot open and you immediately notice you aren't at home anymore; you're in Winterfell. You hear a knock on your door and your attention immediately turns to the noise. 

Your door opens to reveal an exhausted-looking Jon Snow. Your cheeks flush and your whole face burns. 

"Lady (Y/N), are you feeling better?" He takes a seat next to your bed, taking a cloth from a basin next to him and placing it on your head. 

You push his arm away and look at him, "I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" 

"You're very ill. Ill for seven days."

"Seven days? But I just woke up here. I fell asleep at home, and now I'm here." You look around and notice the various swords and other weapons hanging on the walls. You must not be in a lady's chamber. 

"You're very ill, your Grace." 

"Your Grace?" You laugh hysterically.

"Yes, you are Queen (Y/N) of Winterfell." Jon gives you a confused look. 

"And who are you then?" 

"King of the North." Your heart stops beating and you feel yourself blush again. 

"K-king of the N-North?" Your voice lowers to barely above a whisper. 

"Yes. And you are my Queen. Many of the towns folk left you gifts as a token of health. They all wish you to be healthy." Jon takes your hands in his. 

You stay silent and watch Jon's actions. He lets go of your hands and pulls the furs back. He lifts you up and takes you to the Great Hall, setting you down in a chair. The people of Winterfell have all gathered in the courtyards and in the Great Hall just to see you. They needed their Queen. 

Jon stands up and clears his throat, looking at everyone. He then looks back to you. "Lady (Y/N) of Winterfell has made a full recovery. Carry on just as you had before." 

"Jon, shouldn't we listen to their problems and help them?" You look at the towns folk and then to Jon, your brows furrowed and you looked concerned.

Jon looks shocked and walks over to you, whispering in your ear, "What are you doing?" 

You whisper back to him, "I want to help my people. Is that wrong to do?" 

Jon looks a bit flustered, "N-no. You just have never taken interest in your people before. You have always made me listen." 

You frown and then look back at your people, "Can I not change? You said it yourself, I'm very ill. Maybe my illness has changed me." 

Jon doesn't say a word but instead smiles at you with the biggest smile you've ever seen. Silence fills the room. You look back to Jon and smile, knowing that this is your life now. You accept that this is your new life and you weren't ever going back to reality. 

A/N: I'm so sorry this one-shot is kinda short, but I hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave requests!

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