Don't Leave Me

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It was the day before your beloved best friend, Jon Snow, would leave for the Night's Watch. You swooned over the way he talked. His smile made your day. Yet you couldn't tell him about your feelings towards him somehow. You were terrified to tell him how you felt. What if he didn't feel the same way towards you? What if he felt the exact same way? It wouldn't work out; he would be leaving the very next day anyway.

You were sitting in the Great Hall of Castle Black, working on a fur you were sewing for Bran, when a pair of arms wrapped around you- encasing you in a bear hug. You turned around to see Robb smiling at you. You had to admit, if you couldn't have Jon, you could always have Robb. You liked them both, but you secretly favored Jon over Robb.

"Good morning, Lady (Y/N). I trust you slept well?"

You smile at the Young Wolf, "Yes, I did, Your Grace." Your eyes filled with happiness. You looked down at your fur.

"Is that a fur for me?" Robb tried to sound as if he was surprised.

"Of course, Your Grace." You sneered in a playful way.

Robb sat down next to you, a bit too close for a young prince and a servant girl.

"Who is it really for?" The look on Robb's face let you know he was actually intrigued by your handiwork.

"It's for Bran, Your Grace." You look to your left to see Robb. You took a moment to look into his cloud-grey eyes. You had to admit, you got lost in them for a moment.

That moment was ruined by Bran running in with a bow in his hand. He ran next to Robb and looked expectantly at him, "I did it! I hit the target!" The smile on Bran's face went from ear to ear. He looked as pleased as a Direwolf being fed raw meat.

Just as you hoped to the Gods that nobody else would come in, the bastard- Jon Snow- entered the Great Hall yelling for Bran. Jon must have been teaching Bran today.

"Lady (Y/N)!" Jon was surprised to see you sitting at a table with Robb. He immediately took notice to how close the two of you were sitting. There was barely an inch between your arse and Robb's.

"Good morning, My Lord." You smile at Jon.

"As to you." Jon looked a bit hurt by the little space you and Robb shared. He felt as if all the daggers ever made stabbed him in the heart. He wanted to be with you, but your heart was obviously taken by his older brother.

You look to Robb, giving him a look of sympathy.

"If you would excuse me, Your Grace."

And with that, you left to go chase after Jon. You ran all around Castle Black trying to find your beloved.

"Jon! Jon Snow get your arse out here!" You were in a corridor you knew Jon would hang around all the time. You were on the verge of crying. You hated the way he looked at you. He looked hurt, upset; angry even.

You heard footsteps behind you. You spun around quickly to be encased in a hug by the bastard.

"Jon Snow you are a real bastard." You laugh, trying not to cry; though tears were on the brim of falling.

"I know." He whispers into your ear, comforting you.

"Don't you ever leave me, Jon Snow." You looked up at him.

"I'm leaving for the Nights Watch tomorrow." He looked at you- a lick of hurt in his eyes.

"W-why?" You take a few steps backward.

"Your heart lies with Robb, not me. I love you (Y/N) (L/N). I always have and always will. But I cannot bear to see you with my brother."

"I have swooned over you since I first met you, Jon Snow. I like Robb only because I thought you never took interest in me that way. I thought your heart was with another, so I unwillingly gave mine away."

Jon took a seat on one of the windowsills. You stepped in front of him, a tear falling from your eyes.

"What makes you think that my heart lies with another?" Jon's voice was quiet.

"The way you look at the other servant girls." You look down at your feet.

Without pause, Jon wrapped his arms around you once more.

"I only look a them, wishing they had your beautiful features. I look at them, wanting only you."

"Jon...." You look up at him.

Jon doesn't say anything, but closes the space between your lips and his; connecting his lips to yours. Sparks fly and he holds you like you could disappear if he didn't hold you.

Moments pass and he lets go of you. You don't say anything either. You wrap your arms around him and burry your head into his chest.

"Don't leave me." You mumble into his chest.

"I won't. I promise." He wraps his arms around you.

You two stay in the corridor for a while until the sun begins to set and the night comes. The two of you walk to his chambers and fall asleep intertwined in each other's limbs.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating. I got super sick ☹️. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Remember to request! Love you all ❤️❤️
- Infamous-ly

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