These Times Are Hard (Male Reader)

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A/N: Jon Snow x Male Reader! In this, Robb is just about to leave for Riverrun. The reader gets worried and Jon comforts him. (Jon hasn't left for the Night's Watch in this 🙃) Enjoy! ❤

You paced around your chambers, not knowing when you'd see your best friend again. You knew Robb had to go to Riverrun. He had to put an end to this war- it was getting ridiculous at this point. You had fallen hard for your best friend's brother. Nobody but you knew about your feelings for the bastard, or so you thought. But little did everyone in Westeros and Peteros know, a prince can love another man.

Jon Snow didn't seem like the typical prince. He didn't act like one. He didn't look like one. He certainly didn't talk like one. He was a humble prince.

A knock on your door roused you from your thoughts, "Yes?" Your voice boomed and bounced around the walls.

Robb entered and you looked concerned. You secretly hoped it would be Jon on the other side of the door. Robb didn't say anything at first, he just embraced you in a tight hug. When he pulled away, his face was riddled with concern, "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell."

"And that would be Bran." Your face turned soft.

"Yes, but I would like you to advise him when need be."

"Yes, Your Grace." You forced a smile, but your eyes lit up once Jon entered the room.

"I came to say goodbye." Jon's voice was sharp and quick, obviously trying to not get too emotional. (Hehehe)

"Goodbye, brother. Stay well." Robb embraced Jon in a hug and then exits your chambers.

You notice something is wrong once Robb leaves your chambers. You feel the tension in the air. It's so thick, you can practically cut it with a dagger.

"Are you alright?" Jon takes a seat on your bed. You blush at the thought of Jon below you on your bed, your legs tangled tog-... Stop that. You can't think of those things.

"Yes. I'm fine." You try not to make eye contact with the beautiful bastard.

"You don't seem fine." Jon sits up and guides you to your bed. He sits behind you and begins to massage your shoulders, ridding you of your stress knots. You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of your secret crush's hands on your body.

You groan in pleasure, but it comes out as more of a moan. Your eyes open quickly in shock. Jon turns you around and looks at you, "Did you just moan?"

You look down and bite your lip, "I couldn't help it."

When you look up, Jon doesn't have his normal "I'm a concerned bastard" look. His eyes are full of lust and love.

"Are you alright?" You look a bit concerned, your brows furrowing together.

"Yes, I'm fine." Jon laughs a little, realizing that he copied your words.

"That's good." You try to seem creeped out, but it doesn't work very well.

"Listen, I know this isn't the normal conversations we have, but I would like to let you know that I enjoy your company very much. A lot more than I enjoy Robb's or Theon's company." Jon spat those words out faster than you could say Direwolf.

"What do you mean?" Now Jon had your attention.

"I enjoy the company of men. In bed. And other places." Jon looks at you, his eyes full of hope.

"You... You do?" You tried not to sound as surprised as you really were.

"Yes. I do. And I have a liking for you. I have for a long time." Jon stumbled over almost every word. His voice shook, terrified of what you'd think.

"Well, I feel the same way." Your voice is barely above a whisper.

Jon looked at you, his face too stoic to gauge his reaction. Things were silent for a couple minutes. You didn't know what to say to each other. You didn't know what to do either. You stood in the middle of the room. Jon was sitting on your bed. The two of you looked at each other the entire time. Then your eyes eventually moved to the walls, exploring the various swords, shields, and banners that decorated the walls. You forgot how many swords you had. You never used any of them, but you thought you would when they were made for you.

You were brought out of your thoughts by Jon wrapping his arms around you. You felt suffocated, that's for sure. But you also felt happy. You were happy that Jon felt the same way about you.

"Jon." Your voice was raspy.


"You're suffocating me..." You coughed.

"Oh, sorry, (Y/N)." Jon immediately let go of you.

You looked at Jon and he looked at you.

"How do you suppose we go about this?" Jon asked you.

"Obviously we keep it between ourselves. If anyone finds out, Ned would have our heads on sticks." You tried to laugh at the situation at hand.

Jon didn't understand your joke. His face was serious and he stayed quiet.

You decided that if Jon wasn't going to do it, you would. You leaned up and gently placed a kiss on Jon's cheek, smiling as best as your nerves would let you. Jon's face went red and he turned away.

"What, is the great Jon Snow embarrassed?" You questioned, your smile actually growing more and more with each second Jon was denying blushing.

"Yes. He is." Jon tried not to laugh, he pursed his lips once more, hiding his smile.

"You, Jon Snow of Winterfell, are the most handsome man in all of Westeros and have nothing to be embarrassed about. This will never come out. It will stay between you and me." You smiled at Jon, ensuring that everything would be okay from here on out.

A/N: HEY!!!! I'm so sorry for not writing for so long, I just started college and I'm a busy gal! I hope you all enjoyed this and please feel free to request more! :)

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