Snow Day

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A/N: I'm so sorry if this chapter is crappy. It's 5 AM and I can't go back to sleep. So I thought I'd write for you few fans I hope to have 😅

Your (F/C) horse trotted into the stables of Winterfell. You smiled as you saw (Horse Name) enter.

"Are you ready?" A smooth voice came from the doorway behind you. It wasn't the stable boy; it was Jon Snow.

Jon Snow was supposed to take you out for a ride this morning and afternoon, but he was late as always.

"You're late." You turn around to greet your friend.

"I know. Robb needed my assistance with a sword fighting technique."

You nod your head in understanding and pet your horse. Your hands are suddenly covered by Jon's hands. You turn around to see Jon hug you. You smile to yourself and wrap your arms around him, accepting the hug.

"I am sorry, (Y/N). I will be at the stables in a timely matter tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Who said anything about tomorrow? I am with Robb tomorrow, hunting." You smile at Jon, knowing he'd be upset when he heard this.

"Oh..." Jon looks down at his feet slowly, and then around the stables; anywhere to look beside your face.

You realize what you had done and hug Jon.

"I was only kidding. You better be here timely tomorrow." You smile up at him.

Jon gives you a weak smile and opens the stable door, "It is alright, (Y/N)." His hand presses lightly against your shoulder to guide you into the stable.

You put your hands on your horse's head, running your hands through its mane. The hair was soothing to touch, so you close your eyes to focus on the feeling. You open your eyes to notice a wide-eyed Jon Snow behind you.

"What?" The curiosity was practically seeping through your pores, startled at how Jon looked.

"The way you connected with that horse. It was godly." He smiles at you widely.

You shake your head at him, smiling. Yet another attempt by Jon Snow to swoon you. You didn't mind at all that Jon Snow was trying to flirt with you. You knew girls that would kill just to be as close to him as you were. So many wanted him, yet it seemed like he only wanted you.

You mounted your horse, Jon doing the same to his horse. You followed Jon out of the stables and to the outskirts of Winterfell.

*time skip*

You trudged through the damp and muddy forest for what seemed like hours, but you didn't mind because you had the best company in all the Kingdoms- Jon Snow. You looked around the forest, admiring how serene everything looked given the events of the war. You lost track of time as you wandered further and further into the forest, following Jon. 

The bastard in front of you suddenly stopped. He turned around, passing you. He had a worried expression on his face as he guided his horse.

"It is time to go back, (Y/N)." Jon's voice was low.

"What do you mean? We've only been out for a little while. Sundown is not for a long time!" You try to hide the desperation in your voice; you were desperate to stay out longer with him. 

"It is time to go back. Do not question me." Jon seemed different. You were worried for him. 

What did he see? Why is he acting so differently all of a sudden?

"No. I will question you. What troubles you, Jon?" You furrow your brows.

"It is not safe to be out this far. We must go back now." 

You nodded to yourself and followed Jon back to Winterfell. 

*time skip*

You dismounted your horse as Jon did the same. You froze where you were. Holding your hand up to your mouth, you sneeze. Once you bring your hand away from your mouth, Jon walks up to you, encasing you in yet another hug. 

"Are you sick?" Jon sounded concerned. 

You didn't look up to see the handsome man whose arms were wrapped around you. 

"No. Only cold." You smile and wrap your arms around Jon's large body. 

The two of you stay encased in each other's arms for a little while longer before Jon pulls away. He reaches up to his neck and unties a fur from his shoulders. He places it on your shoulders, tying it as well.

"I cannot accept this, Jon. You'll be cold." You reach to untie the fur.

Jon takes his hand and puts it on yours, signaling for you to stop your actions. Your eyes pierce his and you freeze up. 

"I don't mind. Return it to me tonight." 

"Thank you, Jon Snow." You smile and begin to walk out of the stables.

"You are welcome, (F/N) (L/N)."

You walk out of the stables with Jon and you notice it's snowing. You run to one corner of the stable and hide behind it. You duck down and form a snowball quickly. You turn the corner and throw it at Jon. It hits him straight in the back, he turns around and looks angry for a moment before realizing you threw a snowball at him. He bends down and forms a snowball as well. He throws the snowball at you with such a force that it knocks you back. You stay down for a while, surprised at Jon's actions. 

Jon runs to you, thinking he hurt you.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Jon offers you his hand.

You accept his hand, smiling, "Yes." 

Jon doesn't let go of your hand and he smiles as well. You two stay how you are for a few moments before Jon suddenly attaches his lips to yours. You are startled by Jon's sudden actions, causing you to freeze and tense up. After a few minutes of kissing, Jon lets go of your lips.

"You know, I've wanted to do that for a long time." You smile at his words and look him in the eyes.

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