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A/N: Look at this pic of Jon Snow 😆 pouty baby but cute baby 😅😁 kk bye!! Enjoy!!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder; especially when it's the absence of your best friend, Jon Snow. You had been best friends with Jon Snow for as long as you remember. Your father, Lord (L/N) of House (House of Choice) was a great friend to Lord Eddard Stark.

*begin flashback*

You had first met Jon Snow when you were six-years old. Your father had to do some business with the Starks; Winterfell was a two day ride from House (House of Choice), which seemed like complete hell to you. Once the ride was over and you arrived in Winterfell, you wanted nothing more than to see everything Castle Black had to offer. You wanted to explore every nook and cranny of Castle Black. You were excited to meet all the people of Winterfell.

You had heard stories from your mother and father about the people of Winterfell- you were told they were the greatest people of the North. You were told Lord and Lady Stark were wonderful people; their children, from what you understood, were nice people as well. There was Robb Stark, a few years your senior; Sansa Stark, only a year older than you; Arya Stark, a few years younger than you; Bran Stark, who was just a baby; and Jon Snow, who is your age.

Your introduction to all the Stark children, and Jon Snow, was a quick introduction. You looked at each of the Stark children, drinking in their appearances. They were, in fact, wonderful people and you hoped to see them rule Winterfell with great pride one day.

You had walked around Castle Black for a little while, eventually becoming lost. Jon Snow approached you,

"Are you lost, M'lady?"

You nodded as he stuck his arm out, "may I?"

You took his arm and the two of you walked around Castle Black for hours, talking about literally everything you possibly could. You never knew in that moment- but that day, you created a strong bond with Jon Snow.

*time skip to present day*

Your mother and father had been murdered by the Lannisters and you went to Winterfell for safety. You trusted the Starks with everything; you had known then your entire life. You thought of the Starks as a second family; someone you can go to when you don't have anywhere else to turn to.

Upon arriving in Winterfell, you felt sick. You couldn't believe that the Lannisters would ever pull a trick like that. And for what, the Iron Throne? You never understood the whole deal about the fight for the Iron Throne. If people wanted a real king, they would ask for Jon Snow. In your heart, you felt he should be the true King.

You leaped off your horse, guided it to the stables, and walked into Castle Black. Lady Stark immediately noticed your arrival, as you were about to see her to speak about the Lannisters.

"Lady (Y/N)? What brings you to Winterfell?" Lady Stark's voice rose as you entered the great hall.

"My mother and father have been slain by House Lannister. I seek shelter in Winterfell to keep me alive." You try to hold back your tears as you speak, bowing your head.

"You are always welcome in Winterfell, my dear," Lady Stark took your cold body into her warm one, embracing you in a hug, "my how you have grown!" Her smile warmed your heart.

"Thank you, M'lady." You smile and look down at the floor.

"Robb is in the courtyard with Bran." Lady Stark's voice was like hearing your mother's- comforting, warm, and loving.

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