Edge of the Planet

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A/N: This one-shot takes place where the entire land is almost dead. Kinda like a post-apocalyptic era. The God of Death in this one-shot is not a real God of Death!! I'm so sorry for the long wait for a new one-shot but here it is! Here's a super long one-shot for your troubles and your patience <3 <3 <3

The North Thrives.

The North Perseveres.

The North Remembers.

War struck Westeros like a fly swatter to an insect. Famine spread like a virus. Death was the only thing people were beginning to see. The God of Death has arrived. Dead bodies lay all throughout the grounds of Winterfell. The smell of rot stuck in your nose and your tattered clothes. Luckily, you hadn't died. Funny to think- you were barely harmed.

Jon walked into the courtyard, wondering what the day would bring. He was almost taken back by the smell he forgot about while he slept. It disgusted him how the smell seemed to stick to everything. Jon walked around the courtyard aimlessly, thinking to himself about almost everything. His entire family was gone. He was the only living Stark. It seemed like the entire world wanted the Starks dead. So that's what they got- almost.

Jon went to go enter the castle again but stopped when he heard rustling in the bushes below him. Walking down to investigate the sound, he drew his sword from his side and stood guard in case it was something or someone bad.

"Hello?" Jon's voice shook a bit.

You didn't respond, too scared to move. Jon moved closer to the bushes, terror almost getting the best of him. He reached for the bush and moved a few of the branches away only to find a girl huddled in the back. She wasn't harmed in any way- she was dirtier than anything he'd ever seen before. He could see in her eyes that she was afraid. She was like a deer in headlights practically. Jon extended his hand out to you. You take his hand and he helped you up.

"Are you alright?"

You're too afraid to speak, so you just nod.

"What are you doing here? Do you not know where you are?"

"I do know where I am. This is Winterfell. Last I heard, this place was one of the only places left. Obviously, I was wrong,"

Jon didn't say a word. He simply just nodded. You noticed Jon's uneasiness.

"I mean no harm. I-i just need somewhere to rest for the night,"

Jon was reluctant to help the young girl before him, but he ignored his thoughts and reached his hand out for her to take. You promptly took his hand as he helped you up. You noticed how handsome he was up close. The slight beard on his face, cheeks, and neck was irresistible. His eyes were hypnotizing. He didn't smell half-bad unlike most of the other men in Westeros. He didn't smell clean, but he didn't smell too dirty either. For a split second, you forgot about the war. You forgot about everything for a split second- only remembering to focus on the man in front of you.

Your thoughts were brought back to you when you noticed that you were rather parched and starving. You hadn't had something of substance for the past few days.

"Can I do anything to assist on your journey?" Jon's face was stern. He showed no sign of weakness. He did not let his guard down for this stranger.

"Only some bread and water would work just fine." You smile at his attempt to help you. Your guard was still up to ensure your own safety.

"That I can do. Where did you come from before arriving?"

You held your tongue, afraid to speak. You looked at his face to see if he was a genuine man that won't hurt you or not. When you paused to look at him, it felt like an eternity. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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