Black cloaked thief.

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Elle Moonscar slipped around the corner of the large manor when she saw an approaching shadow. She leaned on the side of the building where the ivy snaked up the walls. The howling wind blew her dark brown hair around but did little to waver her concentration. With her back against the stone wall, she carefully looked around the corner. A guard wearing the white rose of Westerfort, a town in the land of Estilin, on a black shirt walked past slowly, tapping his spear on the ground like a cane.

She watched him pass and disappear from sight. She pulled the black hood of her cloak down lower across her face and made her way down the side of the wall, clutching her bow tightly. Stopping again, she studied her surroundings and arrived at the back garden. Bushes with pink and red flowers and soft green grass filled the garden. Elle moved as silent as a shadow to an unguarded open window. A smile struck her face when she saw the easy entrance.

"He won't even know what hit him." she whispered to herself.

She put her hands on the window sill steadily and pushed up. Lifting her skinny frame through the window without a sound, she climbed through the hole and slid down into a dark hallway, where A long rug covered the floor. She paced lightly to a door and opened it with caution.

The contents of the room made Elle's almond shaped hazel eyes shimmer. The full moon shone down on gold goblets and plates fitted with fine jewels that sat on a shelf. Under it a wide oak chest . Elle soon snapped out of her bedazzled gaze. She grabbed hold of a goblet and turned it over in her hands, inspecting its worth. It's rim encrusted with rubies.

She placed it in the leather bag that wound around her shoulders. At a hurried pace, she took more treasures from the shelf and shoved them into her bag. She knelt down to the chest as soon as she was done with the shelf. She drew out a dark case and took out a few small metal sticks.

While picking the lock carefully, she paused to wipe the sweat from her forehead before continuing. The lock opened and a quiet click broke the silence in the room. Dwelling inside the chest were shiny silver and gold jewels even coins. So valuable it could draw even the most honest man in. Elle picked up a silver necklace from the chest slowly and with the other hand she cradled the pendant. A large blue diamond sparkled in her gentle eyes.

She put it around her neck and under her brown top. She filled the bag up until it could fit no more but from down the hallway footsteps and voices drew closer. Elle's hands started shaking and her breaths drew quick.

"Lord Merad," a guard said to a tall man with black hair, "I heard sounds coming from that room" he pointed to the room Elle still lingered in.

Lord Merad and the guard rushed into the room, and caught a glimpse of Elle's cloak as she vanished out the window.

Merad's face grew red. "Guards! Stop that thief!"

The guards ran from their posts down to Lord Merad, "Which way did they go, my Lord?"

Merad kicked at a chair until it broke then he pointed towards the trees, “Over there, over there!"

The guards ran after the dark silhouette of Elle that already sprinted through the nearby forest. 
"Stop right there!” Their yells echoed through the night as Elle ran deeper into the forest.

The wrath of sharp tree branches whipped her skin leaving distinct marks. Elle had escaped even with extra weight to carry. She looked back and knew she had lost them. Finally arriving at the edge of the forest and onto the streets. Running as fast as she could, a grin found itself plastered across her face. She ran up the stone path to her small wooden house surrounded by a short picket fence.

Once at the top she threw open the roughly painted green front door. She creeped down the hallway to her bedroom blinded by the dark. She collapsed on her bed and took a deep satisfying breath.

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